What do I have to do to keep pulseaudio from starting automatically in KDE? I don't want to uninstall it just now, but there's no reason for it to run. It's not .config/autostart, it's not /usr/share/autostart, it's not runlevel 2 although it was started there (but it runs as "me", not root), it's not /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop (at least, I added an OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE; and it didn't keep pa from running in KDE). I'm at a loss now.
What do I have to do to keep a bunch of Nepomuk-related processes and the KDE hotkeys daemon (and presumably other KDE-specifics) from starting automatically in GNOME?
What do I have to do to keep Nepomuk from starting at all in KDE? It's of no use to me. Yet even with Nepomuk disabled per "Desktop Search" system settings module there's always at least a "nepomukserver" process running.
What do I have to do to keep a bunch of Nepomuk-related processes and the KDE hotkeys daemon (and presumably other KDE-specifics) from starting automatically in GNOME?
What do I have to do to keep Nepomuk from starting at all in KDE? It's of no use to me. Yet even with Nepomuk disabled per "Desktop Search" system settings module there's always at least a "nepomukserver" process running.