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pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

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    pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

    What do I have to do to keep pulseaudio from starting automatically in KDE? I don't want to uninstall it just now, but there's no reason for it to run. It's not .config/autostart, it's not /usr/share/autostart, it's not runlevel 2 although it was started there (but it runs as "me", not root), it's not /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop (at least, I added an OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE; and it didn't keep pa from running in KDE). I'm at a loss now.

    What do I have to do to keep a bunch of Nepomuk-related processes and the KDE hotkeys daemon (and presumably other KDE-specifics) from starting automatically in GNOME?

    What do I have to do to keep Nepomuk from starting at all in KDE? It's of no use to me. Yet even with Nepomuk disabled per "Desktop Search" system settings module there's always at least a "nepomukserver" process running.

    Re: pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

    Pulseaudio and nepomuk have nothing whatever to do with each other, AFAIK, so you have have commingled two unrelated issues here.

    Nepomuk is the "Social Semantic Desktop":

    I have no use for it either. Kmenu > System Settings > Advanced > Service Manager and just un-check the Nepomuk Search Module.

    Pulseaudio, on the other hand, is my indispensable sound server. Although you can read a lot of hate mail about it, it works perfectly on my desktop, and also on my Toshiba netbook, so I would not advise killing it unless you are very certain you have a satisfactory alternative audio system.


      Re: pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

      Originally posted by dibl
      Pulseaudio and nepomuk have nothing whatever to do with each other, AFAIK, so you have have commingled two unrelated issues here.
      Well, it's both about autostarting stuff.

      Nepomuk is the "Social Semantic Desktop":

      I have no use for it either. Kmenu > System Settings > Advanced > Service Manager and just un-check the Nepomuk Search Module.
      I did that, and disabled it in "Desktop Search" as well (difference between those methods?); a lone nepomukserver process still starts. Also, when I am allowing Nepomuk to run, it runs in GNOME, too -- and I would like to know how to prevent that.

      (Also, the KDE hotkeys daemon runs in GNOME.)

      Pulseaudio, on the other hand, is my indispensable sound server. Although you can read a lot of hate mail about it, it works perfectly on my desktop, and also on my Toshiba netbook, so I would not advise killing it unless you are very certain you have a satisfactory alternative audio system.
      I've never needed Pulseaudio. It doesn't seem to hurt -- but it isn't helping, either. My puny onboard sound"card" works just fine with plain ALSA; it mixes, records, microphone works, etc.; I don't even have an .asoundrc anymore. (I've never tested the surround sound and digital output, admittedly.) Pulseaudio got installed only recently when I installed (some of) GNOME; I think some of the GNOME-y apps like Rhythmbox rely on it, but I don't use those. I'd like to not have it run automatically, although I'd like to keep it for a while to familiarize myself with it in case it becomes useful some day. I'm okay with it starting for GNOME sessions but not in KDE. Unfortunately, I have no idea where it starts at all.


        Re: pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

        Originally posted by abalone
        a lone nepomukserver process still starts.
        Do you use programs that use akonadi (like kmail)? Akonadi seems to need nepomukserver and it will start a nepomukserver process, even if you've disabled nepomuk (usually not a big deal, it doesn't really use resources when you've disabled nepomuk).

        I'd like to not have it run automatically, although I'd like to keep it for a while to familiarize myself with it in case it becomes useful some day.
        I don't have pulseaudio installed, but it looks like it should be started by /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop (as you originally concluded). Have you checked it isn't restored by the session manager? (either make sure pulseaudio isn't running when you log out, or try starting with an empty session in SystemSettings>Advanced>SessionManagement).


          Re: pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

          Originally posted by kubicle
          Originally posted by abalone
          a lone nepomukserver process still starts.
          Do you use programs that use akonadi (like kmail)? Akonadi seems to need nepomukserver and it will start a nepomukserver process, even if you've disabled nepomuk (usually not a big deal, it doesn't really use resources when you've disabled nepomuk).
          That could be it... I'm using Akonadi (though it seems it doesn't do anything right now except sit between Kontact and the address book data)

          I'd like to not have it run automatically, although I'd like to keep it for a while to familiarize myself with it in case it becomes useful some day.
          I don't have pulseaudio installed, but it looks like it should be started by /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop (as you originally concluded). Have you checked it isn't restored by the session manager? (either make sure pulseaudio isn't running when you log out, or try starting with an empty session in SystemSettings>Advanced>SessionManagement).
          It's still running :/


            Re: pulseaudio and nepomuk autostart mysteries

            Bump? Please?

            Pulseaudio starts in GNOME and KDE, although it's unchecked in the KDE "Startup and Shutdown" control panel. (I think it's called "Autostart" in the stable version of the KDE SC.)

            The printer applet is unchecked, too, and it's running in KDE.

            Yakuake and gkrellm only start in KDE, although they're also enabled in GNOME's own control panel, and although they don't have "Start only in KDE" checked (or whatever the option was called exactly).

            gnome-keyring-d daemons are running in KDE, and I don't know what causes that, either; I don't want to disable them in GNOME just to keep them quiet in KDE.

            couchdb and other couchy things are running in KDE, and I don't even know what I might need those for.

            And so on! Could anyone enlighten me on any of this?

            PS: I hope I'll never have to rely on Pulseaudio for anything. I couldn't even figure out how to capture (with Audacity) what KMix-in-ALSA-mode/alsamixer call "Mix" (i.e. the "sum total" of all audible sound). I could select various microphone jacks (don't I have only one?) and line-ins (ditto) on pavucontrol's "Capture" tab, but not Mix (nor CD, for that matter). Always only one at a time; how would manage multiple sources? But then I ended up doing an apt-get purge pulseaudio before getting very far into it... because I couldn't even kill the process for good -- it kept coming back immediately and prevented me from using my sound hardware properly. The autospawn option in /etc/pulse/client.conf might be for that. Anyway, it's gone now. But I would still like to understand the autostart mechanism.

