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Wasn't ready to post, but

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    Wasn't ready to post, but

    The other problems weren't causing anuthing but annoyances and could wait until I read up.
    This on is: K6.06 loads fine and then a new screen: appears to be a mouse in a spinning Kubuntu image, then screen goes black and all I have is mouse control.
    I installed various programs from Add/Remove this a.m. I finally got tired of Opera locking, so I rebooted and got this trouble.
    Any thoughst?

    Re: Wasn't ready to post, but

    The presence of a mouse running around in an Ubuntu logo indicates that you are booting into Xubuntu, not Kubuntu. If you can get to console (the second line in the boot menu, Recovery mode), try the command "startkde".


      Re: Wasn't ready to post, but

      Originally posted by askrieger
      The presence of a mouse running around in an Ubuntu logo indicates that you are booting into Xubuntu, not Kubuntu.  If you can get to console (the second line in the boot menu, Recovery mode), try the command "startkde".
      It is the Blue Kubuntu ring and start kde doesn't work, going to reinstall and lose it all again

