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Computer won't turn on after install [SOLVED]

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    Computer won't turn on after install [SOLVED]

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post here, please be kind!

    Here's what's going on. I just installed Kubuntu 10.4 alongside my Windows 7. I used the partition manager and everything went swimmingly.

    Then, after I installed the OS, I rebooted, got to the Grub2 screen and booted into Kubuntu without any problems.

    Then, when I was done getting things set up for the time being, I wanted to reboot into Windows. I clicked to restart the computer, and Kubuntu turned off just fine.

    When the computer shut down and then began restarting nothing happens. My DVD drive spins the teeniest bit, and then nothing. Tried hard rebooting, no luck.

    I can't find any documentation on my own about what's happened. I really hope my computer isn't a brick! Can anybody help me?

    Thank you!

    Re: Computer won't turn on after install

    First things first I suppose:
    Did you take the Kubuntu Install/LiveCD out of your drive after the install?

    When you say "nothing happens", you don't get anything on your monitor? No startup BIOS/POST messages? Nothing? Or do you mean the Grub menu doesn't appear?

    Installing an OS, or any software for that matter, should never cause hardware failures or brick your system. The worst it could do is mess up your hard drive partitions and/or cause data loss.

    If you could clarify how far your computer makes it when you turn it on, that would help narrow things down.

    Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


      Re: Computer won't turn on after install

      Reboot into windows? Sorry, I don't understand the question.

      Did you add any hardware? I have had problems when adding sata devices, or moving them about. There should be a Bios Configuration Jumper (or similar) on the mother board that can be used to reset the bios configuration. I had to set it to either restore or configure, boot, shutdown and set it back to normal.

      Another thing that drove me nuts onece was a stuck key on the keyboard.

      What you can do is try unplugging as much as possible - start with external stuff - and then booting. If you can get it to boot, plug things in again one at a time. If you find something that is causing a problem, investigate further.


        Re: Computer won't turn on after install

        Try turning the computer OFF, and use a cold reboot, not a power cycle warm boot.

        If that doesn't get your started then insert the LiveCD in the CDROM and see if it will boot up, just to test your hardware.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Computer won't turn on after install

          I don't think anything the linux installer or grub could do would "brick" your computer. You may have a coincidental hardware or bios problem.

          Even if your hard drive failed or grub trashed the master boot record, you'd still gat a post and "no operating system found" message.

          Please Read Me


            Re: Computer won't turn on after install

            First Question... What's a COLD Reboot?

            Secondly... No, I get nothing. No BIOS, nothing. I think there's a blinking cursor but nothing else. Just a whir from the CD tray, and then a beepish sound and then it sits there doing nothing until I hold down the power and try again. And I did not do anything hardware related with the exception of plugging/unplugging a USB mouse into the computer. I doubt that would have any bearing on the problem, though.

            Thanks for the help, I have a feeling we'll figure it out! Fingers crossed!


              Re: Computer won't turn on after install

              Turn the PC off completely. Let it sit that way for at least 30-seconds. Ensure that your USB mouse is plugged in. Then, turn on your PC. IF it doesn't boot normally, turn it off, and again, wait for at least 30-seconds. Then, unplug the USB mouse and turn on your PC. IF it doesn't boot normally, then it is very likely that you have serious problem with your PC itself. How old is it? Have you had any problems booting it previously?
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                Nope, neither worked. I didn't have any previous problems before this.

                In fact, I was using it a few hours before to watch some videos on the TV with our VGA-out and audio-out stuff. (Neither were plugged in when I installed the Kubuntu).

                Sounds more and more like this is the motherboard, eh?


                  Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                  If this is a desktop PC, I'd be opening the case and checking for loose connections (ground your self first); power supply, ribbon cable connectors, connections to the HDs and CD/DVD. Make sure nothing is loose. Check that any accessory boards are fully seated. Afterwards, reboot.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                    Mr. Bacon

                    A cold boot is:
                    Turn off your computer. Flip the power switch on the back of it (or unplug it) for about a minute or so, then turn it back on.

                    You may be wondering why would you do such a thing? There are things that can keep their memory between boots to make things quicker/faster booting and make your life easier. However, when things go wrong, these same things can make your life miserable.

                    A warm boot is:
                    Mainly you just hit the rest button. Or you turn off the computer, but don't turn off the power supply. You may think that because you've turned off the computer it's off.... capacitors hold their charge for a while and unless you shut off the power supply it's not off


                    With that out of the way....

                    Not sure that you can get a blinking cursor without a BIOS screen... so I'm going to assume you don't have one

                    If you don't get a BIOS screen, yet you have a seeking CD-drive.... maybe try another monitor?
                    I've had blubs die in LCD screens and that sounds similar.

                    Now when you say "a beepish sound" what kind of beepish sound? If you have a PC speaker (I tend to rip mine out because I'm a bastard), the beeps when you start your computer can tell you a lot about what didn't pass the BIOS test.
                    See this:
                    Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


                      Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                      Holy it works now, Batman!

                      You did it, Taco! Thank you!!!


                        Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                        Mr. Bacon

                        If you've solved the problem then please post the steps that made it work for you.

                        Also, please edit your post topic to include "[SOLVED]" to make things easier for newer users and/or people with the same problem.

                        It just makes everyone's (free) work easier

                        Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


                          Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                          Nice ST. Goes to show how important 'clearly explaining' what one is/has doing/done. KB said "Tried hard rebooting, no luck." and I read that as a cold boot. Apparently he was just performing restarts (warm boots). :P
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                            Originally posted by Snowhog
                            Nice ST. Goes to show how important 'clearly explaining' what one is/has doing/done. KB said "Tried hard rebooting, no luck." and I read that as a cold boot. Apparently he was just performing restarts (warm boots). :P
                            I spent a couple years in tech support.... that dissolves most assumptions :P

                            [edit] Never been called ST before...... took me a minute... on the bright side, I've been called much worse
                            Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


                              Re: Computer won't turn on after install

                              Originally posted by SIR_Taco
                              I spent a couple years in tech support.... that dissolves most assumptions :P
                              Ah, that explains the VERY CLEAR, LUCID explaination -- born of years of experience! 8)
                              It takes a special person to endure that kind of pressure for any length of time.

                              BTW, did you happen to hear of the urbane legend which concluded one particularly aggravating call with the advice "... tell them you arer too stupid to own a computer"?

                              It is a rather old urbane legend but it is funny!
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

