Hi all,
I'm very new to linux and ubuntu. I successfully installed kubuntu 10.04 onto my desktop. I have been following the lucid lynx guide at http://kubuntuguide.org/ and I have installed the ubuntu 10.04 i386 live cd version.
However, after the install when I selected 'restart' I got a window with a progress bar saying 'searching for drivers' and then another window saying 'abort current sessions?' and there were many entries like 'tty session 0' etc etc.
Moreover after the reboot I did not get a prompt asking me if I wanted to use the proprietary nvidia drivers as mentioned in http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid
Also enabling desktop effects doesn't work as mentioned in http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#Kwin
Can someone guide me how to get the 3d drivers working?
I'm very new to linux and ubuntu. I successfully installed kubuntu 10.04 onto my desktop. I have been following the lucid lynx guide at http://kubuntuguide.org/ and I have installed the ubuntu 10.04 i386 live cd version.
However, after the install when I selected 'restart' I got a window with a progress bar saying 'searching for drivers' and then another window saying 'abort current sessions?' and there were many entries like 'tty session 0' etc etc.
Moreover after the reboot I did not get a prompt asking me if I wanted to use the proprietary nvidia drivers as mentioned in http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid
Also enabling desktop effects doesn't work as mentioned in http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#Kwin
Can someone guide me how to get the 3d drivers working?