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It was Useful tips for newbies and the full quote was
1. Visit the Macromedia Flash Player download section. Then download the software.
(I am assuming that you are using Firefox and you have already set the download location to your home directory.)
2. Open the Linux Console / Terminal
3. Type
$ tar xzvf install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz
This will create a install_flash_player_7_linux directory.
4. Go to this directory by typing:
$ cd install_flash_player_7_linux
5. Type:
$ ls
You will notice a file flashplayer-installer.
6. Type:
$ ./flashplayer-installer
7. Press ENTER to confirm the installation.
The Flash Player requires to files two be installed before it could run properly. These files are gsfonts, gsfonts-x11. Be sure to install them first using adept in Kubuntu and synaptic in Ubuntu.
If you are not familiar on how to go about this, you can refer to my earlier post here.
8. After you have installed these two files just continue your installation by pressing ENTER
OK I believe I followed those instructions correctly but I still cannot find Flash in K menu and trying the page that requires Flash still prompts me that I need Flash to view the page correctly.
I updated repositories got a source list, saved it, ran update and install as per your sample code.
Flash never appears in the KMenu--it's a plugin, not an independent application.
What web browser are you using? If it's Konqueror, there may be an extra step for getting the plugin to work. It should automatically work for Firefox, though.
Well, there are three possible explanations for this:
1. You didn't restart Firefox
2. You are not using the Ubuntu Firefox but the Mozilla one, and you didn't link the plugins folder to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
3. The site requires Flash 8, which doesn't exist for Linux.
I had a small problem trying to install flashplayer-nonfree. I used synaptic and during installation, it appeared to hang. So I used the terminal. During install a menu appeared asking me if I wanted to download or dl + install. That was probably the reason for the "jhanging" I experienced. Otherwise, the plugin works - even in konquerer.