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Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

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    Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

    I just received my Kubuntu 9.10 CD from Canonical. I installed it on my system, but I don't know if it's 32 or 64 bit. (See my system configuration below.) I found a C program online that says it can determine which version I'm running, and it said 32 bit. (Of course I don't know if that program works or not.)
       1 #include <stdlib.h>
       2 #include <stdio.h>
       4 int main(void) {
       5  printf("%d\n", (int)sizeof(long)*8);
       7  exit(0);
       8 }
    Tue Apr 20 11:58:22 EDT 2010
    ~ ->
    peterv@MBP17K<379>$: !365
    What I'd like to know is:
    1. What is the definitive method of confirming which bit verson of Kubuntu I'm running.
    2. Are there 2 separate versions of Kubuntu (32 or 64)?
    3. If there's only one version, how is it determined if it's run in 32 or 64?

    I'll really appreciate any help.
    Peter V.

    I'm running a 17" MacBook Pro with a 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (64bit) processor.
    The main operating system:
    OS X 10.6.3 - Snow Leopard

    Other OS's via Parallels 5.0:
    Windows XP Pro SP3
    Ubuntu 9.10
    Kubuntu 9.10

    4GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    1 Internal 250GB HD
    1 Mac Super Drive optical drive
    PETERV<br />17&quot; MacBook Pro - Snow Leopard<br />OS&#39;s: Snow Leopard 10.6.4/Kubuntu 10.04/Windows XP Pro SP3<br />Parallels 5.0<br />2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB SDRAM<br />WD 1TB My Book Studio quad-interface External Drive

    Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

    You have 32-bit. You would have had to consciously choose the 64-bit CD.

    If you open the terminal and enter
    lsb_release -a
    I think it will tell you.


      Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

      1. What is the definitive method of confirming which bit verson of Kubuntu I'm running.
      You can use commands 'arch' or 'uname -m'.
      If the output is 'iX86' you're running 32-bit, 'x86_64' means 64-bit


        Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

        Thanks for that info. Now for the big question. How do you get Kubuntu running in 64 bit mode? I have a 64 bit processor, but I don't know if I have to install a different version of Kubuntu, or if there's something else going on that I don't know about. I do know, that a lot of software I run on my OS X machine are 64 bit aps running in 64bit mode.
        PETERV<br />17&quot; MacBook Pro - Snow Leopard<br />OS&#39;s: Snow Leopard 10.6.4/Kubuntu 10.04/Windows XP Pro SP3<br />Parallels 5.0<br />2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB SDRAM<br />WD 1TB My Book Studio quad-interface External Drive


          Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

          Pretty sure it needs to be re-installed:


            Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

            Right -- 32-bit and 64-bit are separate architectures. You have to choose which to install:



              Re: Kubuntu - How to tell if I'm running 32 or 64 bit version.

              Now for the big question. How do you get Kubuntu running in 64 bit mode?
              You do have to install a different version of the OS to go to 64 bits. Under normal circumstances, i.e. if you were running *buntu directly on your hardware, I would say just install the latest edition of the Kubuntu 64 bit version from a (free) CD, or, (for quicker service), from a CD vendor for a couple of bucks.

              However, in your case there is another (possible) issue: You are running Kubuntu in a "virtual machine", if you are running it under Parallels. I'm not familiar enough with Parallels to know whether it emulates a 64 bit processor or a 32 bit processor. I would suspect that it would be MUCH easier to stay as close as possible to the native HW, but the Apple developers may have chosen to do something else.

              Moreover, you have to ask yourself whether there is any advantage to using the 64 bit version over the 32 bit version. My response (I use the 64 bit version) would be: probably not, unless you do extensive image processing, run mathematical simulation software, or something similar. Ask yourself if you remember the last time that you entered a command or clicked on something and had to wait for a response, or for a program to finish. If the answer is that you can't remember, you paid too much for your computer. If it was a couple of weeks ago, and you're not going to be doing whatever caused the delay again in the near future, wait for the next release (less than two weeks away) and go 64 bits then instead of upgrading. If it was a few minutes or even hours ago, go for it right now.


                On my machine, the easy way is to open the System Setting panel and click on the About System button in the System Information section.
                It comes up and tells me what version of Kubuntu is installed, what version of the Linux Kernal is installed, whether it is running in 32 or 64 bit mode and how much RAM is available to the system.

                Click, Click, Click. Done.


                  sudo inxi
                  (you may have to install inxi)
                  sudo inxi
                  CPU~Quad core Intel Core i5-4570 CPU (-MCP-) clocked at Min:800.000Mhz Max:1700.000Mhz [B]Kernel~3.13.0-61-generic x86_[COLOR=#ff0000]64[/COLOR][/B] Up~1 day Mem~1113.1/7862.3MB HDD~500.1GB(2.3% used) Procs~174 Client~Shell inxi~1.9.17
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Kubuntu 18.04 on AMD


                      uname -i

                      is the simplest IMO

                      Please Read Me

