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running off a 2 gig flash drive

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    running off a 2 gig flash drive

    hi all im new to Linux and am tryng to learn it, my current situation im in wont allow me to install kubuntu to a hard drive so right now im running off a 2 gig flash drive and am wondering if this is a good idea. i have been experiencing some rather frustrating problems thou, after a few reboots and days when i boot from my flash drive i will be prompted with a login screen that wont let any user log on either the ones i have created or ubuntu so i end up having to reinstall and start over again this will be the 9th or 10th time ive had to do this and im wondering if its something im doing wrong or a bug that is experienced from running off a flash drive. The only things i do when i reinstall are add firebox and the kubuntu-restricted-extras and hplip-cups for my network printer, any help here would be greatly appreciated

    Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

    2 GB is not sufficient space for a normal *buntu installation. Probably that is why you're running into trouble.

    But if you know how to use just the ISO image, as a "Live CD", with no persistence, then 2GB is enough for that. But you won't be able to retain printer setups and so forth in that mode.


      Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

      ok so this is what ive done i booted from the live cd then used the usb creator tool and set it up so i have around 1 gig for the root folder and the rest to the drive itself, so then what were saying here is that the 2 gigs is not enough for a stable running of kubuntu? if so how much more would i need to run off a flash drive ? 4 gig ? 8? i really want to learn this system and i wont be able to install it on a hard drive until october when i get my computer back currently im using the colleges computers and cant install it on there computers so please help or any suggestions would help i have a total of 2 flash drives with 2 gigs each if that helps or can be used. also would running ubuntu make a diffrence i really dont want to because ive spent so much time learning kubuntu but if it would run better and give me less problems then i could switch


        Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

        There's nothing wrong with how you did it -- it will "work", but you can't install much software on it. Getting locked out of the login is a common symptom of "filesystem too full". Firefox is pretty good-sized, for example.

        To really have flexibility with the Linux system, similar to what it has on a hard drive, I would advise going with an 8GB USB stick, minimum. Format it ext2, then install Kubuntu on it, and point grub to the MBR of the USB stick (not the hard drive of the computer that you are using). That should give you a system pretty close to the "look and feel" of Kubuntu on a hard drive, although the performance will be a little slow.

        If you use a Live CD or Alternate CD to do the installation, it will work as I described above -- just treat the USB stick as a "partition", and when you get to the grub installation screen, click "advanced" and point it to the USB stick. If you use the "usb creator" utility, then it will force-format the stick to FAT32, and everything else will happen automatically. You can choose -- the usb creator is probably easier for a novice.


          Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

          thank you, im also wondering all im really trying to do is listen to music and firefox any documents i can save to my other flash drive so how much space is needed to run that smoothly i guess is what i would like to know if there's a way to get this running well on 2 gigs and how i should set it up using the usb creator i can change the size of the root folder and the space left on the drive so what would work best for that ? most of the space to the root? ive noticed the updates and firefox go to root so ive been putting most of the space to that leaving about 273mb on the drive free. thank you for the response


            Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

            A fully functioning "Live CD" Kubuntu installation on a 2 GB stick is certainly possible. Like a Live CD, you can't permanently install anything on it, but you can browse the net, play music (that is stored somewhere else), etc. etc. just the same as you can with a Live CD.

            I wrote this more for larger USB sticks:


            It puts the entire Live CD Linux into a 900MB partiton on the stick. But it assumes you've already figured out how to install the files from the Live CD, and it was written before the advent of Grub 2, so it doesn't help you with that.

            The 'net is full of "how tos" on the general topic:




            Not to mention Qqmike's excellent tutorial here:


              Re: running off a 2 gig flash drive

              ok thank you for now im trying something else that seems to be running a little better i used the instructions from this site and well see how it goes i'll post back in a few days if anyone else has some suggestions im open to them thank you all

