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my Kbuntu wont start up errors i have no idea what to do

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    my Kbuntu wont start up errors i have no idea what to do

    ok i installed, then i copied all my media over, an then did the updates, and clicked to activate my graphics card, it worked before so i know its not the card, but now the grub is showing the windows 7 hard drive i copied all my stuff from, in the grub and when i click the top ubuntu generic "some numbers" it goes to the boot splash but does not load, then if i hit esc it says something about dev/sda something like that does not exist, im confused how to i get it to load up, the windows 7 hard drive is unhooked and wasnt hooked up when i installed, i just wanted to transfer the files i had off it and some media, no my Kbuntu doesnt work can someone help me out im on the live cd right now so maybe i can do something in it to fix this problem, please help, as soon as anyone can. ive just put alot of hours into getting my stuff over on this hard drive and dont want to reinstall and have to do it all over again, i'll go outta my mind i heard the king of queens theme song like 1000 time while i was doing this my buddy's wife was watching a marithon or something and i didnt have my cds to listen OMG lol

    P.S. i tried booting in recovery mode aswell, no luck either it was the second option in the list, i dont know what to do please be specific im new to linux and KDE

    feel free to email me im just hanging out on the live cd

    Re: my Kbuntu wont start up errors i have no idea what to do

    That's one very long sentence! Makes it a bit hard to read. :P

    What version of Kubuntu did you install? How did you install it - is it a 'stand alone' installation, i.e., installed directly to a HD, or is this a Wubi installation (installed "within" Windows)?

    What make/model of PC are you using? What make/model of graphics card?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: my Kbuntu wont start up errors i have no idea what to do

      If it is a grub problem (I don't know if it is) like I had -

      I downloaded, 'supergrub disc', burnt it to a cd, and booted off that. This took me to my missing OS fine.

