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    This is my first post and i would just like to say that this forum is by far the best thing since sliced bread...

    now to business :P

    i am new (note the post location) to this whole linux world... i can do basic things but i am really struggling with understanding file structures and where things a default stored? e.g when i install themes from the built in GUI (the one where you click install- don’t know the name, that’s how new i am)...

    also i have no idea where the packages are stored? no idea how to install them? no idea how to install themes and what zip/tar file extension/compress thingys they should be...

    i know i have asked a lot of generic questions that have a number of answers but i am really confused...

    all i know it that i am running kubuntu 9.10 and loving it.... I have KDE installed and i think it is 4.4 because that’s was the one that came with the ISO but i don’t know how to even check that!!!... LOL ....

    if anyone can help me out or have any good reading suggestions that would be excellent....

    Cheers for your time in reading this post

    Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

    Welcome to the forum!

    I can answer a couple of your points.

    Unlike with windows you generally don't download/save/install packages. The vast majority of the mainstream stuff is held in repositories on the internet. You access these via a package manager.

    First thing is to install the best package manager, called synaptic. Open a terminal window (hit alt+F2 and in the resulting box type konsole and then click on the icon. A mini black screen will appear with the computer name in it (and your name).


    sudo apt-get install synaptic
    Hit return Then type your password when asked then hit return again. Synaptic and all dependencies will then be downloaded and installed automatically.

    To explain the above command which will at first sound nonsense:

    elevates your privileges temporarily to administrator status. You need to be this to install software

    apt-get install synaptic
    This tells the computer to download and install the package synaptic and all other packages it depends on..

    Once the installation has finished you will see the message you started with (the opening command line). You can then close the terminal or type exit and hit return that will also close it. You can then type alt+F2 and type synaptic in the box. Clicking on the icon will then launch the program. It's an admin tool so you will need your password.

    When synaptic launches the first thing you should do is to select "reload" which will refresh the list of packages held at the repositories. You can then select "mark all updates" which will then list various packages that can be updated. In the resulting box you can elect to download and install updates.

    An alternative is via the terminal where you would issue the commands

    sudo apt-get update
    hit return

    If you've only done this within a few minutes of using sudo you won't need to enter your password otherwise you will. You will then see a list of the existing repositories fly by as the system checks them.

    When you see the command prompt again you then type

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Hit return and watch them being downloaded and installed. It's very therapeutic.

    As a newcomer, forget zips and tars completely. At best you will get frustrated and at worst you will mess up.

    Installing themes for icon sets and the plasma desktop you will find within start/ system settings/appearance IIRC (I'm staring at my work XP screen at the mo).

    To check your kde version load any application or any file manager window and select help/about kde. Let us know your version number.

    Follwo the above, and then come back. We can then tell you how to get extra packages like Acrobat Reader, flashplayer, kde4.4 if you haven't got it, but let's go one step at a time.

    Hope this helps



      Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

      By the way I missed one point- there are several thousand packages that will be immediately available to you in Synaptic. If you know the package name you can start typing it in the search box at the top and it will appear available for selection. If there is a task you want to perform and you need the software to do it, but don't know what the name is for example, you can either google for it or come here for advice.


        Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

        ahhh sweet cheers mate, ill do that when im at home and post the finds in a couple of hours... proberly some more questions aswell :P

        cheers so far mate...


          Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!



            Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

            Regarding File Structure. There's also a lot of other useful information on that site.
            Boot Info Script


              Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

              Originally posted by SNL888
              ahhh sweet cheers mate, ill do that when im at home and post the finds in a couple of hours... proberly some more questions aswell :P

              cheers so far mate...
              I take it that "home" in Australia somewhere?

              I am GreyGeek on Skype. If you have a webcam and mic, and install Skype 2.1 beta for Linux, we can connect and use "Share my screen" to help you do a walk through and answer some of your questions.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                down under naaaa.... lol

                im from the uk...

                ok i have installed Synaptic and got it working....

                as a newbie (and im gona guess everyone does this) i wanna customise my GUI....

                i have installed some of the packed from the "get themes" section but i cannot see them in the selection menu dont know where they are stored? or how i can add them

                i willl try to install skype (dont tell let me try get it working ) and ill add you... also how do i add theme from KDE-look do i download them etc

                proper newbie here


                  Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                  lol how do i extract bz2 file so i can install them lol...

                  mans i reall yhave no idea what the hell i am doing but i know one thing for sure... i dont wanna go back to windozzzeeeee


                    Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                    well that depends on the theme a plasma-workspace theme ...or...a window theme?

                    eather way go to K>system settings>apperance........if a plasma theme is what you want>workspace.

                    if a window theme then........>windows>window decoration.

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                      Originally posted by SNL888
                      down under naaaa.... lol

                      im from the uk...
                      About as insulting as mistaking a canuck for a yank


                        Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                        lol apologies mate...

                        so hows long u been using linux for them...

                        as u can tell i am a really newbie and i am struggleing the GUI side let alone the konsole part :-(


                          Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                          ok i keep on getting this error

                          "Could not load theme configuration file"

                          i am downloading the file to documents and putting the whole zipped file into the "install theme file" section, i am also uncompressing it aswell..

                          dont really know what to do but i am googleing it thou ...


                            Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                            Could be a simple permission error if you're doing things as root

                            Please Read Me


                              Re: HELP NEEDED!!!!

                              Originally posted by SNL888
                              down under naaaa.... lol

                              im from the uk...

                              Sorry! I didn't know Brits used "mate"... (And I don't know what a "canuck" is!)

                              ok i have installed Synaptic and got it working....
                              Great! With few exceptions (Skype for one) ALWAYS install applications from the repository. You can add servers to the repository if you need to install an app(s) that wasn't initially in the repository. It is usally a road leading to trouble to download and install alien deb packages and/or tar files unless you've put some Linux experience under your belt.

                              as a newbie (and im gona guess everyone does this) i wanna customise my GUI....

                              i have installed some of the packed from the "get themes" section but i cannot see them in the selection menu dont know where they are stored? or how i can add them
                              Be careful not to install themes meant for KDE3 or other desktops besides KDE4. KDE4 themes from the repository are usually named beginning with "kde-icons..." or "kde-style..." and such. Watch the descriptions carefully to be sure you don't try to install themes not meant for KDE4. Once you install themes in the repository you can use KGear --> Settings --> System Settings --> Advanced tab --> Desktop Themes to change, mix or customize themes and various components of the KDE4 desktop.

                              i willl try to install skype (dont tell let me try get it working ) and ill add you... also how do i add theme from KDE-look do i download them etc

                              proper newbie here
                              EVERY ONE who ever switched from another OS to Linux was a newbie to begin with (perhaps with the exception of Linus Torvolds! )

                              If you have a 32bit CPU then download this version of Skype 2.1 Beta 2 for a 32bit Kubuntu 9.10. (It's labled Ubuntu 8.10 but that doesn't matter)
                              Or, you can download the 64bit deb package from here.

                              For either of the two files above, open dolphin, navigate to where you downloaded the deb package, right click on it and chose "Open with GDebi Package Installer". A menu option will be added to your menu structure. If you want an icon on the panel then open the menu and find Skype, right click on its menu entry and chose "Add to panel".

                              If you have "missing library" problems (failed dependencies), which is rare, then use the static version from here. This version is a tar file. Move the tar.bz2 file to your home directory. Then, you can open Dolphin, right mouse on the ...tar.bz2 file, and choose "Extract here, autodetect subfolders.." It will create a Skype folder under your home account. You can click on the skype binary (shows up as a grey gear) and that will start Skype. You can right click on the KGear and chose "Menu Editor". Navigate to where you want to create an menu, click on the new menu icon, fill in the blanks. For the "command" navigate to the skype binary file and select it. Choose the Skype icon from the same location. Click the save Icon in the Menu Editor tool bar. Close the editor.

                              When you start skype you won't have an account. Click on the option on the Skype window which asks if you want to create an account. It will take you to the website where you can do that, free of charge. Skype also will ask if you want to create an account to call landlines and cell phones anywhere in the world. Personally, I completed that option because calling anywhere in the world for 2 cents a minute is not a bad deal.

                              At the bottom of the Skype window, on the left side, are two small buttons. The first one leads to the setup options. Make sure your sound and voice work for your webcam and mic. Test buttons for the video, test calls for the mic. The second button at the bottom of the Skype window leads to the address book. On its dialog you can enter "GreyGeek" and click the search button. When you locate me you can add me as a contact and send me a request to "see me online". Skype 2.1 has the "show screen" option which is worth its weight in gold.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

