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Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

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    Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

    I think in the earlier version of Kubuntu an install file was included in much the same way as it is for Mozilla.

    Using KpackageKit I can find Gimp listed - but is their a semi automated way of installing this or do I need to get out to a console and run run apt-get install gimp?

    Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

    I recommend avoiding KPackageKit like the plague. See my last reply in your other thread for details.

    By all means, use apt-get:
    sudo apt-get install gimp
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      Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

      Click on the grey arrow -- it will turn blue
      Then click Apply


        Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

        Thanks I just saw your last reply.


        I really liked the adept package in the old version for someone like me who is non technical it was a great solution.


          Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

          yes of corse can install with Kpackagekit or the comand line (terminal)

          I notes you have just completed a new install and though Kpackagekit dose work I find synaptic to be a better package manager you may want to get it as well.

          for your apt-get you will half to use in

          sudo apt-get install gimp
          and if you havent yet update the sorse lists first with

          sudo apt-get update
          Kpackagekit may have don this if you'v run relode from in it .

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
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            Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

            But I agree 1000% with Telengard's advice

            Avoid graphical package managers like the plague -- without exception, they all have a habit of hiding all the useful status information that you really need when things go pear shaped.


              Re: Can I install Gimp using KpackageKit?

              Actually Adept works great IMHO. I still use it on Hardy. It shows me all the details I usually need too.

              But yes, after I learned my way around apt-get and aptitude I pretty much stopped depending on the GUI package managers.
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