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USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

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    USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

    I have been messing with this for a while, and getting nowhere, so now I'll ask...

    Has anyone got a USRobotics 5637 USB modem working for faxes?

    When I plug the modem in, I get a /dev/ttyACM0. (That is as it should be)
    When I try to open minicom, I get a warning saying that ttyACM0 "Device or resource busy", which it is not. Opening minicom as sudo, I get to the device. This is even after chmoding ttyACM0 to a+rwx. This is with minicom set to 230400 or less, 8N1.

    After opening minicom as sudo, the screen says ATZ4 OK (as it should). Then any attempt to type hangs the program.

    Trying to use efax-gtk produces the same error message -- using as a user, I get the "ttyACM0 locked or busy" (the lock file is not there, and it's not busy). Trying a kdesudo, It says it is accessing the port, and the modem data light comes on, but it does not send.

    Searching google produces only a ton of listings that say it works (but not how), and references to threads about ppp, but not faxes. So, anyone got this working?

    Note that this problem seems to exist on both karmic and jaunty.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

    You probably already know far more than I do about it, but (for the record):

    - your user needs to be a member of the "dialout" group

    - if it is a "winmodem" then they are famous for not working ... :P

    that's my entire body of knowledge on faxing from Linux.


      Re: USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

      Yeah, the user is a member of 'dialout', and this is one of the very few that is NOT a winmodem.

      Actually, it finally did work, after about the 6th try, and that as 'sudo', which should not be necessary. My guess is there is something wrong with the way it's mounting /dev/ttyACM0

      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

        Same problem with bitpim and my CDMA phone. I've gotta be root to talk to the phone over a USB port.
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Re: USRobotics USB fax modem doesn't work

          I've gotta be root to talk to the phone over a USB port.
          Which could explain why a lot of things that should work don't, such as radio control and scanner upload/download software that runs in wine (and therefore is NOT root) and can't see the hardware through a USB<>Serial cable. Hmm. There's a bug in there somewhere...

          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

