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Ktorrent wont download..?

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    Ktorrent wont download..?

    Hi guys...i dont know why my ktorrent doesnt work at all....i dont know if its the settings or the connection...cause all my downloads stay stalled for ever.

    Before i reformat kubuntu they worked awesome and everything got that i formated doesnt work at all...all downloads stalled, anyone had this issue before and got it fixed?? Thanks for any future replays.

    Cheers, Kira.

    Re: Ktorrent wont download..?

    It wouldn't be a change of IP/NAT/Firewall thing would it? Maybe pulled a new IP? dunno....


      Re: Ktorrent wont download..?

      Perhaps the tracker specified in the torrent is no longer available.


        Re: Ktorrent wont download..?

        when you say you reformated Kubuntu ?? mean reinsalled??

        if you have a rowter you nead to ford the port's Ktorrent is using thrugh the router IF you rowter has UPNP turn it on .

        and enabell the UPNP in Ktorrent and it will ford the port's for you.

        the default port is 6881 I think..........and some IP providers will throtell or block this rang I usualey go up to somting like 46681 or so

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Ktorrent wont download..?

          like yeah i reinstalled it cause i had an edge problems they just idk...

          Either way going to what we were talking...i dont think is a ip or router problem...cause its not my router its my connected to his network and i have like 5 more nets cracked to connect and neither of them will let me download, isn't the tracker cause i can download it from bitorrent in windows.....

          Might be the firewall cause i installed antivirus although it didnt have any option as firewall and i dont remember touching any settings of the firewall... so is kinda weird.....

          Or might be some settings of the ktorrent will check what vinny said, thanks vinnywright gota say ur a nice guys each time a noob has a prob ur there to help

