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when I got that set up (yesterday) part of the setup was to chose witch folders to include......it seamed to default to all of /home/me .......so I let it
that was 80+Gig's worth of data and took about 15-20 minuts to index it all.................................
BUT now a sertch in dolphin (after seting it up you will have a search box ) produses resalts of the most obscure and varede seartch in about 10 seconds (if thars lots of resaults less if few allmost insten with just 1-2) with all kinds of nice meta data and info for the highlighted file
So your saying your home folder contains 80 gigs? I don't think I have 80 gigs with Kubuntu and Vista combined on my dual boot.
I was just wondering if I should index folders such as usr/share. I was wondering if others were indexing system files and if they were. Which ones and why?
I was just wondering if I should index folders such as usr/share. I was wondering if others were indexing system files and if they were. Which ones and why?
Now that I'm not shure of .........I supose if you wanted the quick seartch for system files then you would ........say if your runing apache and nead to search /var/www .........is that war it's still at ...........eney way not shur about that.
Did you know that Microsoft gives away free 25 gigs of online storage with windows live. It's called Skydrive and all you have to have is a windows live id.
8) amonkst other thing's like .ISO's why yes I do.
Originally posted by BigCityCat
Did you know that Microsoft gives away free 25 gigs of online storage with windows live. It's called Skydrive and all you have to have is a windows live id.
dosent ubuntu one do that with the cloud computing??
I index my music, documents and emails as a priority + whatever else you may think you need. Having said that, I have links in Documents to pictures, videos etc, so they get indexed anyway.