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How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.(solved)

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    How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.(solved)

    Hi guys....i wanted to change the style of the windows in my kubuntu 9.10, i know that it gots a couple of themes, but the dafault ones suck so i wanted to install my can i do it? any ideas? any folder to put files or themes i download Thanks


    Re: How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.

    Originally posted by kiraitachi
    Hi guys....i wanted to change the style of the windows in my kubuntu 9.10, i know that it gots a couple of themes, but the dafault ones suck so i wanted to install my can i do it? any ideas? any folder to put files or themes i download Thanks

    Go here and have a ball:
    Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


      Re: How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.

      Like i know that and where to get them...the prob is where and how to install them....


        Re: How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.

        Originally posted by kiraitachi
        Like i know that and where to get them...the prob is where and how to install them....
        Sorry for the misunderstanding. You can open your Home folder, go to view and click "Show Hidden Files" then open: .kde/share/apps/desktoptheme and drop the unpacked Folders in there. Then you will find them by right clicking desktop and the menu under Desktop Settings to change Themes.
        Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


          Re: How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.

          Help us to help you

          i wanted to install my can i do it? any ideas? any folder to put files or themes i download
          Like i know that and where to get them...the prob is where and how to install them....
          You have downloded - What and from Where ?
          Window decorations ?
          Window style ?
          Plasma theme ?
          Something else ?

          Window decorations /1/

          Window Decorations

          You can change the appearance of window borders, titlebars and buttons in KDE using window decorations. Some window decorations even have the capability to apply effects such as translucency. Window decorations must be able to do all these without sacrificing speed and performance. This is the reason why window decorations come in source code that must be compiled, or as binary packages that must be installed. Basically, Window decorations are plugins or small programs that instruct KWin, KDE's Window Manager, how to display window frames.

          In order to add a new window decoration, you need to compile it from source code. If a package is available in Kubuntu, you simply need to install it using Adept or apt-get...


          While all window decorations need to be compiled from source code, some window decorations can load pixmap-based theme files that do not need to be compiled...
          So what are you trying to install ?

          Source code - Check the official repositories first !

          A Theme file.
          Install the engine first from the official repositories


          Package: kwin-style-dekorator
          Windows decoration engine for KDE 4 using user-supplied PNG files
          Package: kwin-style-aurorae
          Theme engine for KWin window decorations
          When the engine is installed: System Settings > Appearance > Windows > Choose the engine and install the theme file.

          [img width=400 height=310][/img]

          Sometimes the engine do have own downloader: Aurorae - Get New Themes.

          [img width=400 height=308][/img]

          /1/ > CustomizeKubuntu
          This page needs update - be careful !!
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: How to Customize the windows in Kubuntu.

            THanks guys got it done thanks for the replays.

