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blocking porn sites

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    Re: blocking porn sites

    You need OpenDNS plus ProCon latte plus your girlfriend/wife.


      Re: blocking porn sites

      The way i blocked porn sites was in the router, i could do this in my old netgear dg834gt and in a new linksys i just got, just add keywords. This works very well in keeping my 13 year old son from looking at things that will send him blind. 8)
      Get the mrs to set the password on the router.


        Re: blocking porn sites

        Originally posted by Snowhog
        Seek not; find not.
        Sometimes, even if you don't seek it, it will find you.

        A couple years ago I posted an article about a science topic on the email list of the church I attend.
        Down in the corner of that web page was a link that I never noticed. The preacher's wife noticed, and she clicked on it. She didn't like what she saw! ... and accused me of posting a porn msg on the list. I revisited the page and after a few seconds saw the link that she noticed. After years of reading web pages I RARELY notice side panel or bottom links because they usually don't relate to the main topic of the page. The page it linked to was as raw as porn gets. To make matters worse, it had some javascripts which hide the backup button and caused the "X" button to throw up yet another window. In Linux I used "Alt+Ctl+Esc" and killed FireFox. She was using Windows. The only recourse she thought she had was to just shut off her computer, which messed up a few things. My fault, of course, and no explanation seemed to satisfy. It took a couple years before she'd even say hello.

        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: blocking porn sites

          It took a couple years before she'd even say hello.
          Wow, how stuck up must that creature be! Time to send her another link
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: blocking porn sites

            ... perhaps in need of a little old-fashioned shock therapy ... loosen up a little bit ... ?

            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: blocking porn sites

              Actually, I wrote it off to technophobia, supported by a large dose of ignorance hiding behind pride, despite the fact that she is a high school math teacher.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: blocking porn sites

                I would say that self-control would be the best thing....but i can assure u i can understand when someone can't stop (In my case im like 6 hours all days , some of them more, in the computer or video games; i just forget about everyone and it's impossible for me to have a self-control....ain't the normal kid problem that is playing 24h cause im usually checking out stuff or knew hacking tricks or coding, etc....) so yeah i can understand ur point


                  Re: blocking porn sites

                  Thanks for all the replies - especially the most useful ones from Snowhog and jadams35. I'm sure I'll get something sorted now. I'll post again in a while to let you know how it went.

                  The downside to blocks that only require sudo permission is that I'm the geekier one of the two of us so I need to know the su password to do other stuff to the machine, so I'm glad to know of a method that has its own password.

                  In answer to the first question, way back then - in Windows I went to the network options in the control panel where there is a suspect-looking slide bar to set the restrictions on websites, seemingly according to a rating that they give themselves, but there is also a dialogue for adding sites to bar or allow, overriding the general settings. That has its own password separate from any logins or anything.

                  No particular thanks to any unsympathetic, wannabe satanists who may have posted here but it's good to have a variety of views I suppose...

                  The reason I haven't been back for a while is, as alluded to earlier, I don't have the internet at home so I'm only online now and then.

                  Once again, thanks for all your input.


                    Re: blocking porn sites

                    Hm, let us know how you get on Ideally one should have some filter in the router, but I think that was mentioned before.
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: blocking porn sites

                      Ever looked at using something like Untangle? We use that at work. It's really a great (best part, the Open Source portion has the Web Filter). I never knew how abused our Internet was until putting that in!


                        Re: blocking porn sites

                        Personally, I hate maintaining yet another application.

                        I use a "hosts" file that blocks porn AND ads. Easier than most programs.


                        Please Read Me


                          Re: blocking porn sites

                          Have a look at UbuntuCE (Christian Edition) or UnbuntuME (Muslim Edition, now known as Sabily), I'm not sugesting migrating, they are just worth a look because they have a sh*t load of filter "stuff" built-in and pre-configured.


                            Re: blocking porn sites

                            Ain't this a "technical" thread...

