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Creative Zen Support

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    Creative Zen Support

    I installed Kubuntu about a day ago, and I am trying to get my Creative Zen to work.
    I tried installing Gnomad, but no luck there. I was about to install Rhytymbox, but there was like 5 dependencies.
    My system is recolonising the Zen but I can't transfer to it via Nautilus. Any ideas?
    Please help

    Re: Creative Zen Support

    I'm using my Creative Zen 8GB with Amarok 2. When I connect it, it is recognized in local music in Amarok. Just right click on some album/artist/song in your local collection and then „copy to Creative Zen“.

    Any luck?


      Re: Creative Zen Support

      I have a Creative Zen Vision M.

      Here are two possible solutions. The first one I copied from a website, don't rememeber where:

      $ sudo apt-get install libmtp mtptools mtpfs

      $ sudo mkdir /media/MyZen
      $ sudo chmod 775 /media/MyZen

      Next, plug in your player and mount it:
      $ sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/MyZen

      $ sudo umount /media/MyZen
      If you get a message stating that the device is busy, then give it a minute or two and try again.
      The other is to use gnomad2. I'm not sure why it didn't work for you; one trick with it is to make sure you are using the "Music transfer" tab and not the Data tab. Kzenexplorer is another possibility, though I never could get that to see my device.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Creative Zen Support

        I've had limited luck with Gnomad2 (works on like a 50/50 basis)
        I does recognize the player but transfer doesn't work properly.
        I very frustrating but don't really know what to do.
        Amarok and Kzenexplorer doesn't recognize the player

