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Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

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    Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

    Hi everyone.
    I've read around, and I know now that to change the default OS in the grub, you need to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst... Well, that's all fine and dandy, but my /boot/grub/ for some reason does not contain the file "menu.lst"... I'm not exactly sure how the grub menu loads without it, but it does somehow...

    If someone could help me figure out what to do to get it back or otherwise edit the Grub without it, that'd be great...
    note: there is not "GRUB Editor" in my system settings advanced tab, either...
    note2: I'm running the Kubuntu-Netbook version, if that makes much difference. Thanks.

    Re: Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

    Grub has been upgraded in 9.10, the current version is grub2. Here you'll find some more info on configuring grub2:


      Re: Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

      Originally posted by Tecumseh
      Grub has been upgraded in 9.10, the current version is grub2. Here you'll find some more info on configuring grub2:
      Hey, thanks for the info!
      That help file is terrifyingly overwhelming...

      However, I suppose that changes my question to:
      How do I change the default OS on the Grub2 menu?


        Re: Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

        -- GRUB 2 A Guide for Users
        See SECTION 3 for changing the default OS.

        Another good one to keep handy, especially for grub.cfg issues, by drs305:
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

          Clarification --

          The link Tecumseh gave you:
          Grub 2

          incorporates the material in the drs305 link I gave you:

          because drs305 is an author of the Ubuntu Grub 2 link.

          Thus, you can probably get along using only the Ubuntu Grub 2 link ( ).

          Doesn't hurt to keep both handy and to check each periodically, along with my how-to GRUB 2 A Guide for Users.

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: Can't edit GRUB - No menu.lst...

            Thanks so much for the help! This stuff isn't as overwhelming now that I'm not as tired!

