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for new installers with older machines

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    for new installers with older machines

    So I thought I'd post this, hoping it has some relevance. As I tried my hardest to search and came up with nothing. I'll bet someone has had this problem, and either relented and went back to M$ or just bought a new machine. :P

    I've got a Heinz 57 pc here:
    AMD 2000mhz Sempron processor
    Asus mb of unknown model.
    2 gigs of DDR2 ram
    an 80 gig SATA drive (plugged into the Master SATA port on the board
    a 20 gig drive (a hitachi...I think) don't matter now, as its more or less buggered
    and a 160gig drive that was my media storage drive when I had windoze.

    On the live CD tryout of KK, I was really impressed. Grub loaded quickly. All the drives were found and accessible. It was quick and easy to set up my wireless connection, including getting it to save my password for the secured network!

    So I decided to scrap M$ entirely and dive right in. Having some previous experience I knew I might face the odd hurdle, but I was mentally prepared for it.

    I hit the icon for "install kubuntu 9.10" and away we went. It was the recognition of drives that baffled me. In the live cd, it saw my SATA drive. But during full install. NOPE! I was determined and kept plugging along. Installing the system in the 160 and the 20 in the hopes that somehow I'd get it going. But then Grub was really horrible slow. as in 5 mins to get to the login screen.

    I tried Gparted (after reading thru some posts on its useage, and taking a suggestion or 2 on it) and still couldn't get the install to "see" that SATA drive.

    The installer then was kind enough to inform me that I had no "root file system" :O what the hell did I do to this drive?? So I relented and started using the sata for storage of music. And thought "ok, I'll just make do"

    but then I had a day off, and a brainstorm....

    Next was the "alternate install" setup. It saw the drive, but when the prompt came up for " do you want to activate the raid devices that have been found" I thought Yes was the proper answer. As I was told by windoze boy who installed the previous garbage that it was a raid mb. The install screen went all blue and nothing happened. I thought the plug's had come undone inside or something.

    so a reboot later and we'll try this again. Now it still said I had no root filesystem...I go back and check the disc that the alternate installer is on. its corrupted??! jeez...s'what I get for assuming hey?

    so a fresh copy of the installer, and a complete unhook of all but the sata drive and the answer of NO to activate RAID..............And?.............its what I'm using now.

    On the SATA drive, the Grub is amazingly quick. less then 20 seconds from the time I hit the power button to login screen. everything is just, better.

    so the moral of my long-winded tale. keep trying, and don't give up. I have a theory on my particular machine and its that perhaps theres a jumper or switch on the mb that tells it to dedicate its speed to the sata drive.

    maybe, just maybe if you unplug your standard or IDE drives, you'll have the same luck I did.

    I've still got to go back into my BIOS and switch it to my SATA to be first to boot. I'm currently churning this out on my 3rd startup.

    cheers everyone.
    I was here, for a time then gone...Learned the hard way where I'd done wrong...Now I'm back, like what I see...Time will tell where Linux takes me.

    Re: for new installers with older machines

    Mistake #1: Believing that people that use Windows know anything about hardware or installation problems.


      Re: for new installers with older machines

      Originally posted by stychokiller
      Mistake #1: Believing that people that use Windows know anything about hardware or installation problems.

      DWP...Good work!!! Thanks for the post. Someone will need it.


        Re: for new installers with older machines

        yes good work DWP

        proof that determination can pay off

        you probabley hit 2 of the querks...........1 grub2 has Known ishues with a combanation of SATA and IDE drives that cawses slow boot times ..............and 2 - SOME times the insaller will refuse to put grub2 on the MBR of the primary drive in a multey drive system.

        but you resend it out well and kept going untill you won the battel .............. nice work

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

