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How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

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    How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

    Hi everyone.

    I've got four desktops set up, and want to configure certain applications to open on specific desktops. For example, "aMSN", "Skype", and "Pidgin" should always open on desktop 4, and "Evolution" and "KMail" on desktop 2.

    I've tried using devilspie, but either I'm not configuring things correctly, or it doesn't do what I want. I'm not sure. I made the directory ~/.devilspie, and have created files in there for each. In the files, I've tried (application_name) or (window_name) and neither works.

    The binaries that I've used are "amsn" "skype" and "pidgin" (I haven't tried one for evolution yet), and I've tested this on aMSN, but it doesn't work at all.

    So, I would like to avoid having to use devilspie, if possible. If not, then I would appreciate the correct syntax for the files, and also how to start devilspie with Kubuntu.

    I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2.4 installed. Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure what information you'll need.

    Thanks, and have a great weekend

    Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

    Originally posted by PatrickDickey
    Hi everyone.

    I've got four desktops set up, and want to configure certain applications to open on specific desktops. For example, "aMSN", "Skype", and "Pidgin" should always open on desktop 4, and "Evolution" and "KMail" on desktop 2.

    I've tried using devilspie, but either I'm not configuring things correctly, or it doesn't do what I want. I'm not sure. I made the directory ~/.devilspie, and have created files in there for each. In the files, I've tried (application_name) or (window_name) and neither works.

    The binaries that I've used are "amsn" "skype" and "pidgin" (I haven't tried one for evolution yet), and I've tested this on aMSN, but it doesn't work at all.

    So, I would like to avoid having to use devilspie, if possible. If not, then I would appreciate the correct syntax for the files, and also how to start devilspie with Kubuntu.

    I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2.4 installed. Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure what information you'll need.

    Thanks, and have a great weekend
    When you set up your four windows did you click on the cashew in the corner and zoom out, change the settings for virtual windows to different tasks and then apply? It is a step easily forgotten.
    Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


      Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

      Originally posted by bobcollard
      Originally posted by PatrickDickey
      Hi everyone.

      I've got four desktops set up, and want to configure certain applications to open on specific desktops. For example, "aMSN", "Skype", and "Pidgin" should always open on desktop 4, and "Evolution" and "KMail" on desktop 2.

      I've tried using devilspie, but either I'm not configuring things correctly, or it doesn't do what I want. I'm not sure. I made the directory ~/.devilspie, and have created files in there for each. In the files, I've tried (application_name) or (window_name) and neither works.

      The binaries that I've used are "amsn" "skype" and "pidgin" (I haven't tried one for evolution yet), and I've tested this on aMSN, but it doesn't work at all.

      So, I would like to avoid having to use devilspie, if possible. If not, then I would appreciate the correct syntax for the files, and also how to start devilspie with Kubuntu.

      I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2.4 installed. Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure what information you'll need.

      Thanks, and have a great weekend
      When you set up your four windows did you click on the cashew in the corner and zoom out, change the settings for virtual windows to different tasks and then apply? It is a step easily forgotten.
      No, I didn't. And I'm completely lost on this. I'm assuming you mean the thing that looks like part of a yin-yang. I've got two of those (one in the upper right corner of the screen, and one on the right side of my taskbar). Neither of these have a Zoom option (that I can see) or anything about changing settings for virtual windows. Is there another way to get to this? Also, I should note that I installed compiz and some plugins, and have the windows effects turned on (so that may be a factor in why I'm missing this).

      Thanks for the help, and have a great weekend


        Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

        Sorry if this is confusing. It is the one on the desktop, not on the taskbar. left click it once and a small menu will come up beside it. At the the bottom of this menu is "Zoom out" Click that. You will see your four windows and in the upper left window will be another menu with Desktop Settings (I think, it's been a while.) Anyway it's the bottom one. Click it and you can check the box for different tasks on different desktops. After applying, Click one of the magnifying glasses "Zoom in" and you will be back to your desktop. Those other things you mention are not what is causing the problem as far as I know.
        Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


          Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

          When I click the cashew in the upper right hand corner, only one window shows up. On the bottom of the window are "Add Widget" "Add Activity" "Zoom In" "Zoom Out" and "Appearane Settings" (which brings up the desktop settings where I can change the theme and background). I'll try it again to see if there's a menu somewhere else on the desktop or not.

          I've taken a couple of screenshots of what I see. I'll post them into a pastebin and edit this (or reply) with them.

          Thanks for the help. I may have to undo some things to get it working, I'm afraid.

          Have a great day

          Here are the images:

          [img width=400 height=250][/img]


          [img width=400 height=250][/img]


            Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

            If you want to "force" opening specific applications/windows on specific desktops, you can do that by editing window/application specific settings in WindowMenu>Advanced>Application/WindowSpecificSettings>Geometry-tab>Desktop

            The window menu is accessible (by default) with Alt+F3, right-clicking the titlebar, or clicking the menubutton/application icon in the titlebar.

            These settings are also accessible from SystemSettings>WindowBehavior (but the quickest way is the windowmenu).


              Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

              Originally posted by kubicle
              If you want to "force" opening specific applications/windows on specific desktops, you can do that by editing window/application specific settings in WindowMenu>Advanced>Application/WindowSpecificSettings>Geometry-tab>Desktop

              The window menu is accessible (by default) with Alt+F3, right-clicking the titlebar, or clicking the menubutton/application icon in the titlebar.

              These settings are also accessible from SystemSettings>WindowBehavior (but the quickest way is the windowmenu).
              Thank you very much. I actually tried the "Remember" option, but if that doesn't work, then I'll use Forced. Since I've already got them open in their respective windows, hopefully it will work. One question about this is, in the case of aMSN for example, will this make all of the windows open in that desktop (or just the main window that I did this on)?

              Thanks and have a great day


                Re: How do I set applications to open on specific workspaces?

                Originally posted by PatrickDickey
                One question about this is, in the case of aMSN for example, will this make all of the windows open in that desktop (or just the main window that I did this on)?
                Which windows are affected can be configured in the dialog (in the Window* -tabs). By default, if you chose "Application Specific Settings", it will try to match all windows from that application, and if you chose "Window Specific Settings", it should only affect the window you chose.

                With some applications, you may need to edit the settings on how windows are matched for your "rules" to apply to them.

                In SystemSettings you can quickly review/edit all the rules you have set.

