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Dual Boot troubles

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    Dual Boot troubles

    I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 from the Live CD to dual boot with WinXP. I'll just list the problems:

    -Any attempts to access the internet from Kubuntu fail. XP does fine.
    -I can access Konqueror once per session. After the window closes, I get the error message "KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP" or "cannot talk to klauncher"
    -I cannot seem to open anything else except the system settings window. No terminal, no Amarok, nothing.
    -Adept updater crawls. After almost 30 minutes, it only says "Waiting for headers (23%)"

    Please help

    Re: Dual Boot troubles

    1) version of KDE
    2) Machine Specs
    3) Method of connecting to the internet
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Dual Boot troubles


      1) KDE 3.5

      2) Dell 4400, 768 MB RAM, P4 1.6GHz
      DVD+/-RW, CD-RW
      40GB and 80GB Hard drive
      Running WinXP, and Kubuntu 6.06

      3) Internet -> Vonage VoIP adapter -> Linksys BEFW11S4 Wireless Acces Point + Cable/DSL router with 4-port switch ->Desktop PC


        Re: Dual Boot troubles

        Well, it seems that everything got fixed. It turns out that the network problem was because of the tulip v dmfe thing, and I fixed that. Now, everything seems to miraculously work.

        Except I cannot play any media files. Whether Amarok or Kaffeine, If I try to play an MP3, it takes 2 seconds and then stops, claiming it played the whole thing. Movies and video files work similarly.


          Re: Dual Boot troubles

          Kubuntu cannot include support for DVD or MP3 playback for legal reasons. You can still make them work though.

          First enable the extra repositories by following the directions here...

          Then fetch the needed packages listed here...

          Please make sure to read the legal info on the second link before proceding.
          Also, I have had a lot of success playing a wide variety of media types with VLC Media player, XMMS, and MPlayer. You may want to check them out.

