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adding web folder via web address

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    adding web folder via web address

    Hi everybody!

    I was wondering if I can pick your brains for a second.

    I have recently bought a cheap laptop and have installed Kubuntu 9.10 on it.

    All is fine and couldn't ask for a better OS.

    What I would like to know is that on Windows 7 I can click on computer in the start menu, then by selecting map network drive and then add a web folder by clicking on the link. Then by entering its http address, username and password I get a web folder to the website that I have been working on.

    I have tried webdav, ftp, network drive with dolphin but I cannot seem to get a web folder. Can someone point out to me what silly mistake I have been doing and fix my problem please?

    Re: adding web folder via web address

    I depends on how you have apache2 set up. I would just go to /var/www and type
    mkdir newfoldername
    But perhaps I don't understand.

