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iPod "do not disconnect"

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    iPod "do not disconnect"

    I am fairly new to Linux. I am running Kubuntu 9.10 and I have installed gtkpod and gPodder for podcasts. When i plug my iPod in, Kubuntu recognizes it and so does gtkpod and gPodder and everything works fine. The problem is that when I try to unmount it I use the usb manager and click on the up arrow next to my iPod graphic. I then, after a few seconds get a check mark where the icon for the usb manager is in the tool bar on the bottom. The problem is that my iPod still says "do not disconnect" and if I disconnect it anyway I have to do a reset to get it to come back up.

    What am I doing wrong? I don't want to back to iTunes and Windoz. I am loving Linux so far and if I can just get this figured out I'll a step further to not going back.

    Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

    Give this a try...
    kdesudo eject /media/youripodsname
    unless it is mounting it somewhere else, but you get the idea... remember that it is case sensitive (at least I think it should be...)

    if that works for you, there might be a place in gPodder to enter a command to unmount your device... I believe amarok had that option a while back...

    I created a script to do the eject command and a nice ipod icon shortcut to it on my desktop to make it a bit quicker and just really to "clean it up", as it seems really lame to have to open a cl to unplug an ipod.
    #! /bin/sh

    kdesudo eject /media/IPOD

    and Eject IPOD.desktop:

    [Desktop Entry]


      Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

      I connected my iPod again and I closed gPodder and gtkpod and then unmounted the iPod from the usb manager. Just as before it says it is unmounted but the iPod still says do not disconnect. I opened konsole and entered :

      kdesudo eject /media/CARL'S IPOD

      and it came back to a prompt:


      when I hit return.

      My iPod still says do not disconnect. I checked Amarok to see if that was connected to it and it was not but I closed that anyway. I reopened gPodder and it cannot find my iPod so I know it is not mounted. I just can't get the iPod to recognize that it is not mounted. The only way I can do it is to shut down the computer.


        Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

        It should have launched a dialog asking for your password.... it didn't?

        Attached Files


          Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

          Originally posted by dondiego2
          kdesudo eject /media/CARL'S IPOD
          Spaces in file/directories have to be 'escaped' in order to be seen as part of the name. Redo your command as:
          kdesuo eject /media/CARL'S\ IPOD
          That's adding the \ after S and keeping the space before IPOD.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

            Nice catch snowhog...

            (I'm getting rusty... haven't tried to help anyone or done much in linux period in a while, since the birth of my son... haven't even upgraded to 4.4 yet!!! )


              Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

              That's a good lesson for new users... you certainly can use all sorts of characters and spaces and such, but to avoid some headaches, don't mix case, don't use spaces, and don't use special characters in any directory, especially the home directory (ie your username).


                Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                For some reason I did it again and it did ask for my password. Must have had a typo the first time or something. Anyway, once I put my password in, the command ran and a message window popped up and disappeared so quickly I didn't have a chance to read it. I'm assuming it was message about a succesful ejection or that it has already been ejected. Either way the iPod still says do not disconnect and computer shut down is still required to remove it.


                  Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                  I did use the command

                  kdesudo eject /media/CARL'S\ IPOD

                  For some reason, sometimes I have to hit the up arrow after I hit enter because nothing happens and it just goes to the next line with just a plain ">".

                  If I repeat the line then by hitting the up arrow and hit return, it asks for my password and after I enter it, it comes back and says the iPod can't be found.


                    Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                    Originally posted by dondiego2
                    ...Either way the iPod still says do not disconnect and computer shut down is still required to remove it.
                    When you are trying this, you have not already unmounted it, correct? It should be mounted when you run the eject commmand... then mine takes about 20 seconds or so and the "Do not disconnect" message goes away.

                    Edit: I just tried ejecting mine after I had unmounted it, and I got a different behavior... sorry, that's not the problem.... or is that the same behavior... time for a cup of coffee I think.

                    ~$ kdesudo eject /media/HPOD
                    eject: unable to find or open device for: `/media/HPOD'


                      Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                      I don't remember. I think I did it while it was still mounted. I'll have to check when I get home. It seems like it's a syntax error but when I get home this evening I will work on this issue some more and hopefully come up with a solution.


                        Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                        I just tried it with the iPod mounted and I get this:

                        carl@carl:~$ kdesudo eject /media/CARL'S\ IPOD
                        > kdesudo eject /media/CARL'S\ IPOD

                        eject: unable to find or open device for: `/media/CARLS\ IPOD

                        kdesudo eject /media/CARLS IPOD'

                        I don't know why but I still have to enter the command twice to get it to run. Do you think it might have something to do with the ' between the L and S? Maybe I should rename the iPod another name?

                        Also, one other thing..Dolphin and the usb manager show two iPods whenever I hook mine up. One has a usb symbol by it and says "CARL'S IPOD" and the other has no symbol and just says "iPod".


                          Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                          Originally posted by dondiego2
                          Also, one other thing..Dolphin and the usb manager show two iPods whenever I hook mine up. One has a usb symbol by it and says "CARL'S IPOD" and the other has no symbol and just says "iPod".
                          I've noticed that with mine lately too... it wasn't that way in the past - I haven't investigated why or if it means anything.

                          If you were to rename your ipod I'd lose the apostrophe for sure too... good luck!


                            Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                            I have this problem also.

                            Further, there is no entry for my iPod under /media, /mnt, or anywhere else that I can think of.


                              Re: iPod "do not disconnect"

                              I have given up for now. I love my iPod but Apple seems to have made it hard for any other software besides there own to make it work properly. So know I use iTunes in Windows for my iPod. It's kind of a pain, but until I find a work-around I will dual boot. I missed my iPod too much and I don't have time to spend on fixing it on the Linux side right now.

