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Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

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    Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

    since I cant find any help on xubuntu I though i would try here. Are they similar? I managed to install xubuntu after many hours but now I need some help. If I try ubuntu solutions to my problems then dont work on xubuntu. Any help guidence would be greatly appreciated.


    Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

    Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edbuntu are all in the same family - but they are slightly different from each other.

    Ubuntu=Gnome desktop
    Kubuntu=KDE desktop
    Xubuntu=Xfce desktop

    SOME Ubuntu solutions will work - it depends what you are trying to do. The trick is to know what is different, but these things are not written down.

    You can get help with Xubuntu on Ubuntu Forums. Go to Press the button that says "New Thread" and be sure to change the "Prefix" pull-down to Xubuntu.

    Or, you could just try us here by telling us what you are having a problem with...
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

      ah ... thank you for that explanation... well it is fairly simple what I am trying to do but i am not having luck so far..... I installed xubuntu on a system I am building to watch online media.... I load firefox and go to the sites..... I need both java and flash to use these sites.... both detect that I need to install the plugin.... flash player installs but keeps saying you need to install it over and over.... and java says install manually.... I dont know how to deal with ether....

      thanks again


        Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

        check that.

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

          its obvious my knowledge is laking here but I have the same trouble with this as everything else I try ... the commands do not work.... its says the following
          Manual Method: If the above method didn't work, and you received an error, you will have to add the repository manually, which is actually quite easy. First of all, open the sources file with your default or favourite text editor (replace "gedit" with "kwrite" in Kubuntu and "mousepad" in Xubuntu):

          Add the following two lines to the bottom of the list, remembering to change the Ubuntu version accordingly:

          deb karmic free non-free
          deb-src karmic free non-free

          I manage to edit the file just fine but dont know what it means by change the ubuntu version accordingly


            Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

            Nevermind I see now... okay I am going to walk through this guide and see how it goes... thanks


              Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

              Okay I followed the guide and it installed a bunch of stuff... when finished I rebooted and lost my desktop. Unsure why but its now blank... If I run firefox from menu I still have the same problem I started with...

              If anyone out there is successfully running xubuntu on xbox and is able to apply java and flash players to firefox please respond...

              I am ready to give up after days and days.. I have tried every version written for the xbox including xdsl and gentoox and same problem with all of them....

              Since I dont play games if there is a way to install full ubuntu on xbox please advise as i would do this... I am familiar and comfortable with the full version...



                Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

                I use Xubuntu a lot. It's what I run on my underpowered laptop. First thing tyou need to do is:

                sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras
                That will solve a lot of your media problems in Firefox. You will probably want to get the codecs package from Medibuntu.


                  Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

                  I will give this a try but I know any other suggestions I have tried using apt-get usually come back package not found or some sort of other error. perhaps it is different when installed on xbox from live cd?
                  also can you elaborate on what you mean about getting the codecs from mediuntu... how do I do this?


                    Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

                    Go to the Medibuntu Web Site and follow th instructions to add the repositories to your sources. Then you can download the codecs from there.



                      Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

                      I guess I am just not cut out for this... lol.. I went to that web site but it just confused me even more... thanks anyway....


                        Re: Kubuntu vs Xubuntu help

                        This illustrates quite plainly how the Microsoft illegal monopoly over the PC OEM's blocks many folks from using Linux because it doesn't come pre-installed on the computers they purchase, or it is preinstalled on only a a few models and with limited peripherals and/or features.

                        If our politicians and bureaucrats were not so corrupt they'd enforce the Sherman-Clayton Anti-Trust Act and force the PC OEMs to sell only naked PCs, and allow the customer to chose which OS they want to install, irregardless of the model or peripheral chosen. They would also force the peripheral makers to manufacture their devices to be OS neutral.

                        Zoldy is the classic example. However, IF, for some reason, he had to reinstall Windows he would find the going just as tough, if not more so, than installing Linux from scratch. Microsoft is depending on their user's ignorance to keep them chained to the upgrade treadmill.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

