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AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

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    AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

    Hi and very, very sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't the .deb for Flash 10? I have enabled the medibuntu repository and downloaded kubuntu-restricted-extras, and everything seems to work great with Firefox, but I have been experimenting with Konqueror because I bought the OCZ barebones netbook at Newegg and I want to run with either Kubuntu 9.10 or the Kubuntu netbook remix and don't really want to use up valuable space adding a bunch of browsers... I seem to be able to use youtube just fine.. but when I go to other video sources it says I need to download Flash 10. On the netbook that might not be a problem since I believe both the Kubuntu and the Ubuntu netbook remixes are 32 bit... But if I can run Kubuntu 64 bit (which I believe I will be able to do since the netbook uses the same processor as my nettop which I built that is running 64 bit no problems.)

    Well to make a long story short, I am running 9.10 64 bit on my nettop and can't find the 64 bit version of Flash to run on Konqueror........ It seems that only the 32 bit .deb is available for download from Adobe. OR even better yet is there an open source version of flash that will work with the 64 bit?

    Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

    I run 64 bit OS with KDE 4.3 and have yet to see a Flash 10 64 bit.

    Most sites render just fine with Firefox and play the Flash stuff too.

    With Konqueror as browser you can do a lot but if you are used to Firefox you will definitely notice the difference.

    I have been playing with the new Arora browser. It's under heavy development and maturing fast.
    It is small and fast.

    I have tried the pure open source flash alternatives and they are both disappointing considering the length of time they have been under development and the $ I have thrown at them. They should merge the two and really get serious.
    Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE


      Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?


      > Topic: Option to install 64-bit Flash?
      > Topic: Adobe Flash Update
      > Topic: FAQ: Repositories

      The 64 bit (alpha) flash is available from the Adobe (> Flash Player 10 for 64-bit Linux) or from the PPA repositories:

      > Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu
      >> Show PPAs matching: flash

      Picking one > Adobe Flash PPA:
      PPA description

      Latest adobe flash plugin for x86-64

      This is a personal package archive for experimental software, packages may often break or contain severe bugs. It should not be used except for development purposes.
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

        Originally posted by Rog131

        > Topic: Option to install 64-bit Flash?
        > Topic: Adobe Flash Update
        > Topic: FAQ: Repositories

        The 64 bit (alpha) flash is available from the Adobe (> Flash Player 10 for 64-bit Linux) or from the PPA repositories:

        > Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu
        >> Show PPAs matching: flash

        Picking one > Adobe Flash PPA:
        PPA description

        Latest adobe flash plugin for x86-64

        This is a personal package archive for experimental software, packages may often break or contain severe bugs. It should not be used except for development purposes.
        So this shouldn't be used then?(since it says it's developmental purposes?) TYVM for posting this though! I did't even know what a PPA repository is let alone that it existed..


          Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

          What I usually do I remove the flash from Ubuntu which is 32 bit and install the .so file from Adobe, you just need to put that file in the /usr/mozilla/plugins or /usr/firefox/plugins folder.... or somewhere where your browser looks for plugins.


            Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?

            Coming in late on this thread, but I have installed the 64 bit version from Adobe and it works much better. I would suggest that you do the same. To simplify the installation, use the script found here.


            Worked for me.


              Re: AMD 64 .deb for adobe flash 10?


              That was right on and very easy and fast. Checked at adobes site...definitely the latest and works great.

