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Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper

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    Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper

    Hi and thanks for reading and trying to help!

    I installed Kubuntu Dapper from the latest 6.06 final desktop release off the live CD. First let me say, AWESOME! Great job!

    Everything was great! I ran the recommended updates in Adept. After rebooting now, I get the splash screen with the blue KUBUNTU, but no login box. The system doesn't seem to be locked, because I can toggle the CAPS/NUM/SCROLL locks and hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and it will shutdown and reboot. But, also I tried typing in my login and it doesn't proceed either, so it seems to me (as a newbee to linux with X) that X has crashed or not completed loading due to some config issue possibly.

    If anyone can offer some assistance to get me through troubleshooting, I'd greatly appreciate it! (BTW, I reinstalled from scratch again and repeated the updates and it happened the same way again -- at least it's consistent.)


    I got in through the terminal and checked the logs (the ones I could figure out to look at anyway). I noticed in the kdm.log that the last 3 lines are:
    (EE) I810(0): Ring buffer allocation failed
    Failed server error:
    AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0

    Re: Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper

    I posted earlier this morning with the exact problem but thought it may be due to a memory problem, (I had add/removed SDRAM).

    After reading several posts I seem to recall that last update (abourt 50 packages) was the last time Kubuntu loaded properly.

    I'm glad I caught your post as I would have repeated the installation with probably similar results after the updates.

    I guess the obvious choice is to re-install and ignore the updates.


      Re: Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper (UPDATED)

      Well that's an immeidate fix, that is obvious, but I'm not sure is the way to go forward. I mean at some point, we're going to have to update, right?


        Re: Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper (UPDATED)

        I hit CTRL-ALT-F1 to login in terminal mode
        then (the following steps done using sudo)
        I renamed /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.bad
        renamed /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf


          Re: Can't login after first set of upgrades w/Dapper (UPDATED)

          Incidentally, I'd like to point out that this problem has came back a number of times, each time requiring me to revert to an older version of xorg.conf. In fact, I've saved a copy of a working xorg.conf just for the case when it returns. I'll run a DIFF one of these times and try to find the problem area. But, for now, this is the status. I'm not quite sure what's wrong/causing this to repeat.

