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Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

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    Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

    Is there some way to get a list of commands that are used in the terminal? Had some issues, and I think I can solve the problems, but I can't navigate the terminal well enough to make much use of it.

    I didn't have Adept when the install of Karmic was finished. I just learned the command to get Adept from the terminal window. If someone didn't tell me that, how would I get Adept or another package manager?

    Jaunty was my first full system. So I did a fair amount of customizing, downloading software, installing widgets, moving things around, etc (novice stuff). When I upgraded to Karmic, I took someone's suggestion to just copy my /home... directory and do a clean install. What about all the settings and customizations? Do people usually just let that go and start from scratch?

    Is there a way to take an image, per se, of what your system looks like before a clean install, and then go find the same programs again? I don't mind configuring stuff, as long as I can get it all back.

    Why can't life be more like Star Trek?

    Re: Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

    google Bash commands,took me to a good page with lots of info and try here
    hope this helps

    HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


      Re: Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

      Great. Thank you. I knew what I was looking for, but didn't even know what to call it. Bash commands. Got it.

      So if the Desktop crashes, like mine did when I upgraded to Karmic, I could have just restarted the X Server, right?

      Or if something hangs up, I can kill the process?
      Why can&#39;t life be more like Star Trek?


        Re: Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

        To new myself to answer that, search install in Kubuntu forums and documents always finding good info that way
        HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


          Re: Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

          Originally posted by gshockxc
          Is there some way to get a list of commands that are used in the terminal? Had some issues, and I think I can solve the problems, but I can't navigate the terminal well enough to make much use of it.
          try this fore starter's

          and as irish man pointed out google is your frend

          Originally posted by gshockxc
          I didn't have Adept when the install of Karmic was finished. I just learned the command to get Adept from the terminal window. If someone didn't tell me that, how would I get Adept or another package manager?
          Kpackagekit is the package manager in Karmic K>applacations>system>Kpackagekit
          but it isent verey frendley.....I use synaptic but if you like Adept you could have gotten it with Kpackagkit.......

          Originally posted by gshockxc
          Jaunty was my first full system. So I did a fair amount of customizing, downloading software, installing widgets, moving things around, etc (novice stuff). When I upgraded to Karmic, I took someone's suggestion to just copy my /home... directory and do a clean install. What about all the settings and customizations? Do people usually just let that go and start from scratch?
          did you copy /home to a safe place?
          I did an upgrad to Karmic from jaunty and all my setings came thrugh OK.

          Originally posted by gshockxc
          Is there a way to take an image, per se, of what your system looks like before a clean install, and then go find the same programs again? I don't mind configuring stuff, as long as I can get it all back.
          thares somthing caled APTonCD that will make a cd of all the stuff youv added so you can install it all agin frome the cd .......and I think some one elce will chime in with more ideas

          Originally posted by gshockxc
          your welcome

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: Bunch of noob questions about the upgrade to Karmic

            For commands in the terminal, see the Command line documentation section of the article HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help. Be sure to check out the apropos command too.

            There are a plethora of package managers to choose from. The usual advice is to install Synaptic, but it is not installed by default. If you're working int the terminal though, it is more convenient to use apt-get or aptitude, both of which are included in Kubuntu by default.

            If you copied your home directory from your old install to your new one then most of your settings and customizations should have been preserved. However it may help you to understand that your home directory only contains settings for that user, in this case you. Global settings which affect the entire system are stored in the /etc/ hierarchy.

            There are other directories that may have been impacted by your customizations, but it all depends on exactly what you did and you have to take those on a case by case basis. For example when compiling from source I frequently have to put some things in the /usr/ hierarchy to enable some feature of the new program. Presumably if you did anything like that then you will know about it.
            Welcome newbies!
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