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messed up while installing flashplugin, HELP! (problem solved)

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    messed up while installing flashplugin, HELP! (problem solved)

    Well, I messed up this time. I wanted to add flashplayer support to my web browser in Kubuntu dapper. I went to install “flashplugin-nonfree “ in “adept package manager”. I should not have installed it in this manner because of following note.

    Note to Kubuntu Users: Konqueror DOES NOT auto-detect flash. There are a few steps you must use for flash to work:

    well, it is too late, and now it is trying to install this flash player and is stuck. How do I rem this line out, or delete it, or stop it from attempting to update. How do I stop it? Can someone please help me. I really am trying to learn more about editing, but still fall short. Please help the new guy!!!

    I tried to run “sudo apt-get update” to see where the problem is and this is where it stops:

    Hit dapper-backports/multiverse Sources
    Fetched 4B in 6s (1B/s)
    E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.

    Can someone help me?

    Re: messed up while installing flashplugin, HELP!

    I ran 'dpkg --configure -a' in terminal and waited. It installed. All is solved.

