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Internet connection refusal and timeout

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    Internet connection refusal and timeout

    Hi everyone!
    This is my first post so please be gentle!

    Since upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 i get connection refusal and time-outs on everything, e-mail, web browser, bit-torrent, but tray icon says i'm connected.

    Thinking it was an upgrade problem I did a clean install from disk but its still the same.
    I've tried xubuntu, ubuntu (9.10 versions) and they are all the same.
    The only one which works is kubuntu 9.04, all works fine with that.

    After some serious googling and searches on this forum, i found a few leads which looked similar and all editing the 'resolv.conf' file to use the primary and secondary ISP addresses.
    I tried this and all works fine for about 30mins and then it resets.
    Whats the answer to my prob?
    Any help much apreciated.

    Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

    I frequently recommend OpenDNS as a solution for problems with slow domain name servers at Internet Service Providers who are trying to maintain their profit margins during a period of economic stress. However, this implies that your ISP is the problem. That may not be the case. I suggest trying Open DNS, but, if that, doesn't work, I'd look at the options in your 9.10 installation and then your hardware.


      Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

      Thanks for the reply

      But i dont think its the isp, we have several other machines (all windows) which are working fine. It appears to be just this version of the distro.

      I was hoping for a workaround to stop it re-writing the file or someone to help find the cause.

      This is a bit deep for me, i'm ok editing files and using a terminal, as long as its clear what commands to use and which files to edit.
      I have tried this
      'how to:-Ethernet connection without a GUI' a post by 'Detonate'
      back in 2008, problem which looked very similar.

      It would be good to find someone like this guy, who understands this bit of tech well enough to help me fix it. If he is still out there- HELP!!

      Until then i'm open to other sugestions.


        Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

        Is your connection wired or wireless?

        I've had very bad issues over the last week or so with wireless connections. It advises that I'm still connected, but all connections simply timeout. I can only rectify this temporarily by killing the connection and re-connecting. This only lasts between a few seconds to 40 minutes or so, before it does it again though.

        Particularly frustrating.


          Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

          Hi, good to see another name reply

          Its a wired connection, and yes it is frustrating when up to a few weeks ago i had fully working 9.04 system.
          As i'm new to all this, its taken me a year to get a basic understanding and get everything working, then the upgrade killed the lot!!

          I know 9.04 works fine, and my other other windows machines no prob.
          It must be changes made to files in the new distro.

          At the moment i can only use the internet for about 30 mins then i have to re-write the resolv.conf file to get access again, although i'm not sure what is supposed to be in the file , i have been using the ISP primary server address, and it seems to work!

          I did find a post suggesting locking the file to stop it being over-written but it didn't say how to do it?

          So! still looking for a cure.


            Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

            Originally posted by Konfuzed
            Hi, good to see another name reply

            Its a wired connection, and yes it is frustrating when up to a few weeks ago i had fully working 9.04 system.
            As i'm new to all this, its taken me a year to get a basic understanding and get everything working, then the upgrade killed the lot!!

            I know 9.04 works fine, and my other other windows machines no prob.
            It must be changes made to files in the new distro.

            At the moment i can only use the internet for about 30 mins then i have to re-write the resolv.conf file to get access again, although i'm not sure what is supposed to be in the file , i have been using the ISP primary server address, and it seems to work!

            I did find a post suggesting locking the file to stop it being over-written but it didn't say how to do it?

            So! still looking for a cure.
            Try this in a console
            sudo chmod ugo=r /etc/resolv.conf


              Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

              Hi, thanks for the help

              Just tried it and rebooted, guess what........

              No it didn't work.

              I'm still not sure what i am supposed to see in 'resolv.conf'
              Every time i reboot and look its defaulted to ''
              which is the gateway address i think?
              should it be this?
              or something else?

              thanks for the help though


                Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                PLEASE, PLEASE GO HERE and at least read the linux instructions. OpenDNS really will solve any problems you might be having with the DNS servers at your ISP.* If you then continue to have problems, we will have eliminated the primary source of "failure to connect" problems.

                If you'd like, you can post your /etc/resolv.conf or (if you have one) your /etc/ file here.

                The fact that you don't seem to have problems with windoze does not necessarily mean that you aren't haven't problems with DNS in Linux. Among other things, you may have some entries in your windoze setup that explain the anomaly. You can even post your windoze equivalent of /etc/resolv.conf (whatever it's called, there HAS to be one) here. Personally, I know NOTHING about any version of windoze more recent than about 2002, but there are some people here who do.

                * I am neither an employee nor a paid shill for OpenDNS.

                (Slightly later) from the opendns site:
                8. NOTE:

                To avoid having your settings get revoked after reboots, or after periods of inactivity you may need to make the following changes via the command line:

                $ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/
                $ gksudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
                # append the following line to the document
                prepend domain-name-servers,;
                # save and exit
                $ sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0

                You may be required to change eth0 to your own network device's name if it uses a non-standard name.
                You will want to change "gksudo gedit" to "kdesudo kate" in the second line.


                  Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                  Here the opendns settings didn't work for me. I have kubuntu karmic and a Mobile Broadband connection.
                  They works only within kppp. No with NetworkManager or resolv.conf method
                  [linux user #449224 - Kubuntu user #15071]


                    Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                    Originally posted by Konfuzed
                    Every time i reboot and look its defaulted to ''
                    That's your routers IP, which would/is correct if you are connecting to the Internet through your router. In that case, the DNS entries are in your routers configuration, and if they are incorrect, you need to access your router configuration to change the entries there.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                      No router here... As usually, only a bug...
                      [linux user #449224 - Kubuntu user #15071]


                        Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                        Coming in late on this one, but the instructions in my howto were written for a wired connection. Speedyx, if you enter in the location bar of your browser do you get the config interface for your device? Can you determine what the DNS settings are there? Are you able to change them?


                          Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                          Hi everybody,

                          Thanks for all the interest,
                          I have tried the fixes suggested by Detonate,

                          Did another clean install from disk, removed network manager, installed WICD.
                          Reboot, had a quick look at WICD but changed nothing.

                          Still no internet connection but tray icon says connected on eth0.

                          Tried other fix detailed on Detonates 'How to' for wired connections using fixed IP address.

                          Still no internet connection.

                          These are details of files on my machine :-

                          root@Kubuntu-1:~# ifconfig
                          eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:4f:4d:ca:98
                          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                          inet6 addr: fe80::206:4fff:fe4d:ca98/64 Scope:Link
                          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                          RX packets:155 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                          TX packets:153 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                          RX bytes:12948 (12.9 KB) TX bytes:19528 (19.5 KB)
                          Interrupt:16 Base address:0xc000

                          lo Link encap:Local Loopback
                          inet addr: Mask:
                          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
                          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
                          RX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                          TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                          RX bytes:2640 (2.6 KB) TX bytes:2640 (2.6 KB)


                          auto lo
                          iface lo inet loopback

                          This error message i get from Konqueror :-

                          Connection to Server Refused
                          Details of the Request:
                          Protocol: http
                          Date and Time: Sunday 03 January 2010 20:34
                          Additional Information: Socket operation timed out
                          The server refused to allow this computer to make a connection.

                          I have screen dump of my router settings but not sure how to get the on here??

                          Does this help at all?


                            Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                            Originally posted by Konfuzed
                            Its a wired connection, and yes it is frustrating when up to a few weeks ago i had fully working 9.04 system.
                            'Wired' - to a router or to a modem? If 'modem' is it a DSL modem or a dial-up modem?
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                              Sorry made a mistake in last post,

                              Using Detonates 'how to' i used info for 'Dynamic IP' not 'Static'

                              And i'm using an ADSL modem/router

