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Internet connection refusal and timeout

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    Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

    Originally posted by Konfuzed
    And i'm using an ADSL modem/router
    Just to be clear. Do you mean that you have ONLY an ADSL modem, or you have BOTH an ADSL modem AND a router?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

      Personally, I use a cable modem (probably the equivalent of an ADSL modem) hooked up to a home router (which has address on my network) hooked up to four computers ( The cable modem has an ip address which is provided (and changed) by my Internet Service Provider via a process called DHCP (explained HERE and none of that requires that I have in my resolv.conf file, because all of that stuff is designed (by trained professionals ) to be transparent to my machine(s). So, my linux boxes all have their resolv.conf files pointed at an external Domain Name Server. That used to be an overworked computer somewhere near Washington, DC owned by my ISP. Now my DNS server is at OpenDNS.

      None of which matters to you. Suffice it to say that I don't think that you should have listed as your DNS server, unless your phone company uses a setup that is outside my (admittedly limited) experience. Therefore, I still suspect your setup. Accordingly, I have two questions:

      1) "ADSL modem/router" is that one box or two?
      2) Have you installed "custom" software supplied by your phone company as part of your ADSL service on your windoze computers?


        Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

        Since you did have a connection with 9.04 there is no reason why a default install of 9.10 should not give you a connection. You must have edited the ADSL modem in some way.

        Regardless of your connection (wired or wireless) it is set up via the dhcp client, which recieves lease on an IP address handed out by the dhcp deamon, in the range of, for your side of the network. Addresses in this range ARE LOCAL and do not and cannot communicate with the Internet. So, part of the information that the dhcp deamon passes on to your connection client is the IP addresses of the DNS used by your ISP, which are stored in /etc/resolv.conf. As Askreiger points out, you can put any public DNS addresses in resolv.conf and they will give you the IP quad addresses for any human readable internet address names your browser requests.

        Without the DNS IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf you still should be able to ping some sites.


        should return travel times from If it times out then you don't have ANY Internet connection.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

          Hi everybody.
          Thanks for hangin in there with me!

          I'll try to answer all your questions and give you more information if i can.

          I have a single box SafeCom ADSL modem/router with 4 eth. ports which my home network is connected to. All machines on my network are visible and can exchange files. This is connected via a standard telephone line to my ISP which provides my broadband connection. The only setup required by me for this modem/router was connection number and password, all the other stuff was automatic.
 is the address of my modem/router and gives me access to its setup page details from which i will try to include later.
          The other machines on my home network use windo(z)e, they needed no additional software and setup was automatic, settings are as this:-

          obtain IP address automatically
          obtain DNS server address automatically
          IP address :- DHCP enabled

          IP addresses are of '192.168.1.n'

          subnet mask assigned by DHCP

          As for Kubuntu, installing 9.04 or 9.10 i have not changed or edited the modem/router setup manually in any way.

          The information i have given you on previous posts from, ifconfig, network/interfaces and resolv.conf look identical, line for line, in 9.04 and 9.10.
          Both were base versions, no other software installed, and first action was to test if Konqueror would connect. The only difference is 9.04 does, 9.10 does not.

          In a terminal in Konqueror i tried ping result as shown:-
          root@Kubuntu-1:~# ping
          PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
          64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=241 time=122 ms
          64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=241 time=138 ms..........

          This next info is from the setup page of my modem/router. The following are all checked/ticked boxes.

          use the following static IP address
          ip address
          default gateway
          host name 'mygateway'
          domain 'ar7'

          enable DHCP server
          start IP
          end IP
          lease time 3600

          router as domain name server
          DNS1 (THIS BOX IS EMPTY)
          DNS2 (THIS BOX IS EMPTY)

          router as default gateway
          gateway (THIS BOX IS EMPTY)

          This following box is not checked/ticked but shows:-

          If i could attach the screen dump image it would be a lot clearer.
          All this is as i see it from my end.
          I hope you can understand it better than me!!
          I hope it can obtain a solution!!


            Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

            For a reason that I don't understand your linux box is not obtaining a dns server address automatically, as your windoze boxes apparently are. Accordingly, I reiterate my suggestion that you modify your /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf files as I suggested in an earlier post. Copy your current files before you do, so that, if it doesn't work, you can always change them back to their present inoperable condition without having lost anything.


              Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

              As you are able to ping that address using the IP address, you definitely have an internet connection. So this is absolutely a DNS issue. Do as askrieger suggests, and if if that doesn't work post back. Hope we get this fixed before we all become "Konfuzed".


                Re: [solved/fixed] Internet connection refusal and timeout

                Hi everybody!

                Sorry its taken so long to get back but,
                tried fix as posted by 'Askrieger' and all works fine, so one happy customer here!!

                I have started to rebuild my system now so i'm hoping no more problems.

                I can't say thanks enough to you guys for your time, patience and help but thanks!!
                and over the past few days forgot to say,

                Happy new year.


                  Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                  Very good. Happy to hear that you received the help/assistance you needed. And Happy New Year right back at ya.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                    Hi again,

                    Yes i'm back with a slight amendment to my last really pleased post.

                    I have noticed that the fix/workaround which corrected my internet problem (suggested earlier) stops me seeing my home windo(z)e network.
                    When I try to look at my home network i get a pink error mesage:-
                    'server timeout'

                    any solutions for this one??

                    Just can't get rid of me can you!


                      Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                      You really shouldn't have to use a nameserver (or your /etc/resolv.conf file) to reach the other boxes on your home network. Just get to them by entering their i.p. addresses (192.168.1.n) in the address box of your browser, ftp program, or whatever. I move "stuff" from one computer to another using the ftp protocol. I do this from the Konsole command line using the "sftp" command from the "ssh" package in the repositories. Enter "man sftp" at the command line to learn how.

                      There are other, (i.e. GUI), ftp programs you could use including Konqueror. If your home router changes all the homenet i.p. addresses periodically, you can go over to the windoze box that you want to use and the appropriate dos command, (which I believe is "ifconfig \a") in order to find the homenet i.p. address of the box in question. PLEASE do not take my word for the form of the MSDOS(tm) command, I haven't used a M$ system in many years.


                        Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                        Originally posted by askrieger
                        you can go over to the windoze box that you want to use and the appropriate dos command, (which I believe is "ifconfig \a") in order to find the homenet i.p. address of the box in question. PLEASE do not take my word for the form of the MSDOS(tm) command, I haven't used a M$ system in many years.
                        I believe the correct dos command is
                        ipconfig /a


                          Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                          Hi thanks for replying,

                          I use Dolphin or Konqueror to browse my network.

                          Go back a few posts, and out of the box 9.10, using Dolphin 'network' 'samba shares', I could see my windo(z)e network and all shared folders but had no Internet connection.
                          After using the fix/workaround posted earlier, I get Internet connection but using Dolphin 'network' 'samba shares' no windo(z)e network, only a long wait and a pink error message 'server timeout'.
                          If I remove the fix/workaround all goes back to no Internet & OK windo(z)e network.

                          I can't seem to win, either one or the other, not both?


                            Re: Internet connection refusal and timeout

                            Add on to last post,

                            I have tried the windoze network address in both browsers and I just get a very long wait.
                            I have also tried pinging the address but that works fine.

                            Looking from the windoze machine (samba server is installed on 9.10)
                            I can see shared folders and use printers ok.

