Hi I recently moved from Windows to Ubuntu. Even though I was satisfied with Gnome I wanted to try out KDE to see if I would like it better. I followed the instructions I found here : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde. When asked, I chose to switch to kdm instead of gdm. Now my [extremely stupid] problem is that with gdm there was something that remembered my login name and allowed me to just click on it and enter the password. I had grown accustomed to that and turns out I forgot what the login was... And now kdm doesn't 'remember' it and asks me to type it in to log in. And what's weird is that I'm pretty certain it was simply my name, straight up, without funny characters or anything but I've tried every potential variation of it and it still won't log in.
What can I do? Is there a way to revert to gdm without logging in or to get kdm to give me a list of available login names?
Or maybe I'm screwed?
It's not the end of the world : I did a big back up last night. So I guess I can just re-install it and get it running like I want it to within 1-2 hours but hopefully there will be an alternative to that.
What can I do? Is there a way to revert to gdm without logging in or to get kdm to give me a list of available login names?
Or maybe I'm screwed?

It's not the end of the world : I did a big back up last night. So I guess I can just re-install it and get it running like I want it to within 1-2 hours but hopefully there will be an alternative to that.