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[SOLVED]xorg.conf for Nvidia Geforce4 mx 440 se Kubuntu9.10 (renamed)

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    Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

    I really appreciate what the Linux community are doing.
    I still want to be able to resolve this issue and help future users in similar situations.

    So Has anyone got any more Ideas to explore?
    Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


      Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

      Originally posted by phonic_p
      It Failed. Something about no init file etc.
      Try this instead then. Just follow the exact directions in this post:

      but naturally with "nouveau" rather than "radeonhd". And of course make sure you've reinstalled the nouveau drivers first.

      Also have you tried the above, but with "nv" instead?

      Yes, it's quite annoying when manufacturers put so little effort into their drivers for Linux.


        Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

        Originally posted by KeithZG
        Actually wait. Looking at the xorg.conf clip I posted it looks like there might have been an error. Try making an xorg.conf file that merely consists of

        Originally posted by xorg.conf
        Section "Device"
        Identifier "Default Device"
        Driver "nouveau"
        Then quit out, do a "failsafe" login which should give you just a terminal. Make sure X isn't running and then run "sudo startx" (I think that'll work). At very least then if it fails it should give you a message telling you what failed.
        Ok I followed this advice as I have given up on getting the Nvidia 96 Drivers to work (for now) and tried to get the Nouveau driver running.
        The Nouveau drivers are installed I then booted into Netroot and used nano to write the above xorg.conf file and saved it and went to startx but I got an error:
        Parse error on line 4 of section device in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf unexpected EOF missing Endsection keyword
        I then tried with nouveau instead of what keithzg needed as advised by kieth, but got black screen.
        I then tried a check with,
        glxinfo | grep direct
        Which had worked before but now I got,
        Error: Unable to open display.

        I'm stuck, any help PLEASE
        Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


          Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

          Originally posted by phonic_photon
          Parse error on line 4 of section device in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf unexpected EOF missing Endsection keyword
          When you created/edited the xorg.conf file, you didn't hit return at the end of EndSection.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

            Originally posted by Snowhog

            When you created/edited the xorg.conf file, you didn't hit return at the end of EndSection.
            I must not have! So rewrote it with hitting return after EndSection and tried again with no error only black screen.
            Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


              Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

              Not knowing how to get the glx/grep part to be successful, >Frustrated and Impatient I did a fresh install and booted to recovery mode with Netroot & followed the guide which is...
              sudo apt-get update
              sudo apt-get upgrade
              sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
              # install the driver
              # this will remove your proprietary nvidia driver, in case you have that installed.
              sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
              # gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

              Section "Screen"
              Identifier "Default Screen"
              SubSection "Display"
              Virtual 3840 3840

              Section "Device"
              Identifier "Default Device"
              Driver "nouveau"
              Option "NoLogo" "True"

              Run this to make sure it's working

              glxinfo | grep direct
              With an answer...
              direct rendering: Yes

              Following it to the letter except using nano to write the Xorg.conf file, remembering to hit return after EndSection. Thanks Snowhog
              Then I used the Suggested...
              glxinfo | grep direct
              and got...
              The program glxinfo is currently not installed. You can install it by typing
              apt-get install mesa-utils
              So I did that and tried again but got same...
              Error: unable to open display
              I then had to rename...
              mv /ect/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.confA
              just to boot to default driver
              Any suggestions on what's wrong?

              ANOTHER post has been created for Nouveau with Geforce
              Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                To check directly if Nouveau is installed properly, you can apparently do:

                glxinfo | grep Nouveau
                Which according to this How-To post on the Nouveau driver over at the Ubuntu forums should spit out something like "OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.2, NV43 on Nouveau/DRI".

                Other than being unable to open the display, was there anything else in the form of error messages spit out? Keep in mind that in the text console you can go up and down through the history with shift+page(up/down). The same information though should be available in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, or perhaps in a previous log; check /var/log for a log file from the nouveau driver failing for you, and post the relevant section here, perhaps? It might be helpful to see the exact error messages.


                  Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                  Hi phonic, I'm coming in late on this discussion and I have no experience with your particular card but I do have one question. What do you get under Hardware Drivers (System / Hardware Drivers) on the menu after a fresh install? Anything?


                    Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                    Thanks for replying TL, After a fresh install the Hardware manager for drivers identifies the graphics card and offers to install the (legacy) propriety driver (96) for Nvidia but after install there are no options at all to configure X in the Configuration GUI. Using Envy-ng to install the Driver gives a usable Config GUI BUT the options are only 640X480 resolution as the main output (CRT-0). That's about it really the xorg.conf file written by the installer only results in a "Invalid Format" from my HDTV. I have been reading a LOT of posts about the issue both on the Kubuntu and regular Ubuntu forums and there was a post that suggested I try to manually set the Hor & Ver settings frequency's in the config file but I still need to call the manufacture to get them as it is not in the manual.
                    Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                      Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                      After the Hardware Driver installation, do you get a new item in your menu called "NVidia X Server Settings"? (Under Settings). That's the place to adjust to adjust things, not xorg.

                      You also mention outputting to HDTV. Can you list your monitors please? Just make and model will do.


                        Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                        Yeah my bad with the terminology the "Configuration GUI" is the "NVidia X Server Settings"
                        Originally posted by TuxLove
                        You also mention outputting to HDTV. Can you list your monitors please? Just make and model will do.
                        I'll go one better and attach the specification sheet from the monitor manual
                        AND... My monitor is my TV an HD LCD TV with Supported VGA Modes:
                        VGA (640×480 60Hz)
                        SVGA(800×600 60Hz)
                        XGA (1024×768 60Hz)
                        SXGA (1280×1024 60Hz)
                        Also the "windows" drivers give even higher resolutions on the same monitor.
                        Attached Files
                        Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                          Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                          Yeah my bad with the terminology the "Configuration GUI" is the "NVidia X Server Settings"
                          What about if you download and install the NVidia driver itself (from


                            Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                            What about if you download and install the NVidia driver itself (from
                            I have also done that & also used envyng each time the "NVidia X Server Settings" will not allow any resolution higher than 640x400. I know for certain that all the Hardware works fine as it functions as it should under winxp. So it has got to be a software issue. I wish someone who is proficient with the Xserver and Nvidia could give me a magic piece of code that will fix it, but that has not happened yet so I plod along ever searching for the right fix.
                            Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                              Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                              Can I slow you down a sec here, phonic? OK, you install the NVidia driver (ignore EnvyNG for the moment). You start NVidia X Server Settings and click on X Server Display Configuration. What do you see?

                              Under the Display tab:
                              What Model is displayed?
                              Is more than one model displayed? (Click the double-headed arrow to check.)
                              What are the Resolution options (or at least the maximum)?
                              Does the Detect Displays button change the Model?
                              Click Advanced. What Mode Name is shown? And what's in the Panning box?

                              Under the X Screen tab:
                              What Screen Number and Color Depth is shown?

                              (I've attached a screen shot of the fields mentioned.)

                              Attached Files


                                Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                                Originally posted by TuxLove
                                Can I slow you down a sec here, phonic? OK, you install the NVidia driver (ignore EnvyNG for the moment). You start NVidia X Server Settings and click on X Server Display Configuration. What do you see?
                                Under the Display Tab:
                                Model displayed is CRT-0 (CRT-0 on GPU-0).
                                The other is the TV-0 (TV-0 on GPU-0).
                                The resolutions are set to AUTO max is 640x480 .
                                No difference when Detect Displays is selected.
                                In advanced the Mode is set to nvidia-auto-select.
                                Panning is 640x480.
                                Under the X Screen Tab:
                                Screen Number is 0 and Colour depth is 16.7 Million Colours (Depth 24)

                                I've Just tried (ignoring EnvyNG for the moment) to install the Nvidia driver via Launch-Applications-System-Hardware Drivers, and was unsuccessful as (Jockey) just froze with nothing happening and a crash/bug popup after exiting.
                                So I then tried to install via Launch-Applications-System-Software Management(Kpackagekit) and selected the nvidia-96-kernel-source + nvidia-glx-96 + nvidia-96-modaliases and noticed that nvidia-kernel-common and nvidia-settings packets were already installed even though I had not previously installed any nvidia stuff after a fresh install a week ago (must of been selected automatically after graphic card detection.
                                This installed the selected packages and no reboot option so I just rebooted and it booted to a woeful 640x400 and no NVidia X Server Settings option in Launch-Applications-System, so back to Launch-Applications-System-Software Management(Kpackagekit) and removed the above packages.
                                Going back to Launch-Applications-System-Hardware Drivers was just blank no options in the window.
                                Remembering something I had read in previous posts about installing with Synaptic I then installed synaptic and used that to install the Driver packages.
                                The NVidia X Server Settings option in Launch-Applications-System was finally there but it to had no options to configure, so a quick trip to Konsole to write an "Device only" xorg.conf with nano. After rebooting with the device only xorg.conf file NVidia X Server Settings was accessible but at a 640X480 resolution.
                                Attached Files
                                Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....

