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[SOLVED]xorg.conf for Nvidia Geforce4 mx 440 se Kubuntu9.10 (renamed)

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    [SOLVED]xorg.conf for Nvidia Geforce4 mx 440 se Kubuntu9.10 (renamed)

    SOLVED But skip to page 4. 8)
    I have been trying to get a resolution higher than 800X600 (prefer to use 1024×768) with the legacy drivers for a Nvidia Ge-force 4 MX 440-SE video card in both ubuntu and kubuntu for five months. I had lost my last system after an update and no X or text login. I downloaded Kubuntu9.10 because I like the ability to configure the desktop.
    I had trolled the ubuntu forums looking for solutions and learned about xorg.conf and tried some of the tips but without any results. I have also discovered that Kubuntu9.10 has no xorg.conf file. one was created by the nvidia install but left me with no Xserver login until I removed it with rm in a console login session. Any help to get the resolution choice I have in windows with this video card would be Immensely appreciated. PLEASE help.
    Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....

    Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

    According to the NVIDIA website,
    The 96.43.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs:
    GeForce4 MX 440-SE 0x0173
    See this for the driver:

    When installing the driver, you can choose the option for it to install its own xorg.conf.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

      Thanks for the reply doc, I have already installed/uninstalled/reinstalled x96 legacy driver from nvidia web page & package that came with all distros many times and tried help from many other pages like
      I am always left with only a top resolution of 800x600. Even when the Nivida driver wrote an xorg.conf file it made the screen/LCD TV flash invalid format, forcing me to rm any xorg.conf files to get back to a GUI of 800x600. This card works like a charm with my win-xp on the same machine (dual boot). I really need to have a higher resolution just for web browsing and I would like to try 3d effects. I tried this..
      ~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
      this happened
      WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.

      sh: pkg-config: not found
      Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" added to Screen "Screen0".
      New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'
      and no change.
      I have installed in /usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop, but don't know how it works any suggestions would be great.
      Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


        Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

        Hmm. Here, I set the resolution using the nvidia-settings command. This is a more recent driver, so it might work differently. But you should be able to bring up the setting box using ALT-F2, then type nvidia-settings, or else just type the command nvidia-settings from a konsole screen. But I have a feeling if it's defaulting to 800x600, there may be some other configuration problem. Maybe someone else has some experience with the older drivers?

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

          Thanks again I had done what you suggested but I don't know any commands to put in the nvidia X server settings dialog window that pops up
          I shall endeavor to search and try other options but please keep posting any suggestions all is welcome as it helps me to learn more about Konsole/Terminal commands etc...
          Attached Files
          Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


            Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

            OK, on my system, the command nvidia-settings brings up a GUI, but there is also a command mode for it. See man nvidia-settings.

            It is possible to set the resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. man xorg.conf

            Funny, I can't find anywhere on my system where the resolution is set. I guess the nvidia drivaer autodetects it from the monitor, though I can change it in the nvidia-settings gui.
            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

              when you have the nvidia driver installed you should use there tool "nvidia-settings" to change your resolution look in the "X server display configuration" section of the program, then after you change the resolution be sure to "save Xconfig file" or it will be for this session only.

              if you don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file then you should run nvidia-xconfig(or use my xorg.conf) before running nvidia-settings (kdesudo before both they need to be run as root).

              i am on a geforce4200 Go atm @ work res is set @ 1280x800 with desktop effects running

              Originally posted by my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

              Section "Monitor"
              Identifier "Configured Monitor"

              Section "Screen"
              Identifier "Default Screen"
              Monitor "Configured Monitor"
              Device "Configured Video Device"
              DefaultDepth 24
              Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

              Section "Module"
              Load "glx"

              Section "Device"
              Identifier "Configured Video Device"
              Driver "nvidia"
              Option "NoLogo" "True"
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
              (top of thread: thread tools)


                Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

                I had to reinstall Kubuntu9.10 because when I installed envy it installed the driver (96) I then was able to use the Nvidia X Server config GUI (As before envy install no configuration options were available in Nvidia X Server config GUI).
                I chose X Server Display Configuration, then detect monitors, the options were
                1; CRT-0 640x480 GPU-0
                2; TV-0 1024x768 GPU-0
                The config options each are [1] disable [2] separate x screen [3] twin view, on 1 it was separate x screen with the other options not selectable, on 2 disable was selected with all options available. Selecting option b for 2; TV-0 1024x768 GPU-0, needs restart of x server, with no difference while option c gave access to allow 2; TV-0 1024x768 GPU-0 to have options for 1024x768 display it was not able to save to xorg.conf an error message : Failed to parse existing config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
                If you restart x for 2; TV-0 1024x768 GPU-0 with option b you get similar display op but too zoomed in as if 640x480 was overlaying a 1024x768 desktop.
                I am so frustrated with this any new options?
                sithlord48 I'll give you're conf a go but I'm fairly certain I've had a conf file similar before.
                Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                  Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

                  See this for the driver:

                  When installing the driver, you can choose the option for it to install its own xorg.conf.

                  I have done that also but monitor just is blue screen flashing 'invalid format'
                  Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                    Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

                    OK, I'm really not sure what is going on with this.
                    Have you tried using the live cd, and are you able to get better resolution than 800x600 with it?
                    I'm also wondering if the alternate-install cd gives you more options for installing the video (that's a question - I don't know).
                    One last option might be to try installing the ubuntu live cd, just to see if that will give you better resolution. You can always install kde from there if it works. I have seen threads where kde just plain won't cooperate, and maybe getting gnome to work first might set the drivers up correctly.
                    Honestly I'm just guessing. Nvidia stuff is usually cooperative.
                    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                      Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

                      I think I shall do just that and find a ubuntu9.10 .iso and install that then try and config GC (pray it works). Then migrate to K desktop.
                      Please if any one else can tell me why Nvidia drivers are not working please chime in.
                      Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                        Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 Video Driver for geforce4 mmx needed

                        Originally posted by doctordruidphd
                        OK, I'm really not sure what is going on with this.
                        Have you tried using the live cd, and are you able to get better resolution than 800x600 with it?
                        I'm also wondering if the alternate-install cd gives you more options for installing the video (that's a question - I don't know).
                        One last option might be to try installing the ubuntu live cd, just to see if that will give you better resolution. You can always install kde from there if it works. I have seen threads where kde just plain won't cooperate, and maybe getting gnome to work first might set the drivers up correctly.
                        Honestly I'm just guessing. Nvidia stuff is usually cooperative.
                        I have tried ubuntu8.04 and kubuntu 9.10 all same 800x600 display options
                        BUT I have not tried ubuntu 9.10 and Nvidia drivers. i will try that.
                        Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                          Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                          installed ubuntu 9.10 as well As kubuntu 9.10 nether allow me a better resolution than 800x600 as default display driver. when activating nvidia (96) driver via hardware drivers 640x480 is the resolution default trying to configure nvidia X server settings GUI @ 640x480 is hard and I cant seem for any file that runs displays to work higher than 800x600 I just keep going in circles.
                          Intel E6500 CPU - 4Gb Ram- Asus EN9500GT 1Gb GPU....


                            Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                            From Linux Forums eNews:
                            Kernel Log: Linux 2.6.33 to include Nvidia graphics driver nouveau
                            Source: LXer Linux News - December 15th, 2009
                            Linus Torvalds has merged the kernel code for the GeForce-compatible nouveau open source graphics driver as a staging driver into the Linux main development tree – from which kernel version 2.6.33 will emerge in around two and a half months. The 2.6.33 kernel should therefore support kernel-based mode setting on the bulk of Nvidia graphics chips (GPUs/graphics processing units) in addition to existing support for AMD and Intel chips.
                            This means that eventually, the problem should be solved. That's not much help right now, I know, but everything that has been tried so far has failed. Hopefully someone else will have a bright idea on this...
                            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                              Re: No xorg.conf in Kubuntu9.10 need better Video Driver for geforce4 mx 440 se

                              phonic_p have you tried my suggestion? i have almost the exact same video card. mine works just fine.. be sure to use jockey-gtk instead of jockey-qt to install the driver.
                              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                              (top of thread: thread tools)

