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How to change default trash icon?

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    How to change default trash icon?

    I know how to kdesudo dolphin and navigate to the icons folder. I have trash icons. I just need to know which ones to change?

    Re: How to change default trash icon?

    Please specify which version of KDE you're running (3.5.x or 4.x).
    Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5


      Re: How to change default trash icon?

      Under KDE 4.3.2, you can open dolphin (don't need kdesudo; generally, you shouldn't be running normal applications with sudo/kdesudo, since they can cause damage if they malfunction, and also can cause user files to become accessible only to root), right-click on the Trash entry in the Places panel, edit, click the trash icon, then Other Icons and browse to the one you want. This will also change it in, for example, the Application Launcher.
      Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5


        Re: How to change default trash icon?

        I have changed the icon in places but the trash icon I have in the panel does not change.


          Re: How to change default trash icon?

          Also as soon as I move something to trash the icon in places disappears.


            Re: How to change default trash icon?

            Please specify which version of KDE you're running (3.5.x or 4.x).
            Makes a big difference. If you're not sure, open dolphin, go to Help/About KDE.
            Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5


              Re: How to change default trash icon?

              I'm using KDE 4.3 release candidate Kubuntu 9.10.


                Re: How to change default trash icon?

                The icon for the Trash plasmoid (widget) is probably defined by the plasmoid itself (so, you'd have to track the plasmoid file object(s) down and see if it has it's own icon, or if it references (probably in the source code) the generic one (probably uses the current theme icon-set). It's completely separate from the Places icon (good and/or bad, depending on your point of view).

                Not sure why the icon in dolphin/places is reverting (it doesn't do that for me). If you've installed from a release candidate, there might be some residual issue causing it (I just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.10).
                Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5


                  Re: How to change default trash icon?

                  Thanks for trying to help.

                  Yeh it keeps reverting back. I am using oxygen theme and that is pretty much default. I think If I navigate to user/share/icons/themes as root, and I change the default icons that would let me customize it to what I want, but I'm not sure if it's the default folder or oxygen folder. I'm not sure if it's in file systems or apps. I'm not sure if it's scalable or one of the other sizes.

                  I'm just looking to change the trash can icons that the system uses as the default icons.

                  I changed the default splash and login screen kind of the same way. By kdesudo dolphin then navigating to user/share/kde4/kdm replace the login screen with a different picture named the same thing. Did the same thing for the splash screen.


                    Re: How to change default trash icon?

                    Yeah, I was mucking around with the theme as well, lol. If you open a konsole and use the locate command it will give you a better idea of where all everything is (I found a lot of repeated files, including cached versions, etc.):

                    Return all files in the locate database (updated weekly, I think) with the string 'trash' in them, and show only those which also have the string 'png' in them (because all the icons will be PNG files; note that locate is case-sensitive):

                    locate trash | grep png

                    Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5


                      Re: How to change default trash icon?

                      Yeh I can't find it, but no big deal. I really like what I have right now. What do you think?


                      Thanks for your effort anyway.


                        Re: How to change default trash icon?

                        Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5

