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Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!(solved)

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    Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!(solved)

    HI i just encountred a problem i have a file .xls that i want to delete in my documents folder....but when i try to delete it says
    The file or folder /home/kira/Documents/Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu�iga Falla).xls does not exist
    So my problem is the following how can i delete that file i already tryed to restart the computer to see if dissapears and already went into admin mode to delete it says the anyone ideas? thanks

    Any ideas?

    Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

    Have you tried with the remove command ?

    man rm
    rm - remove files or directories

    rm [OPTION]... FILE...

    This manual page documents the GNU version of rm. rm removes each specified file. By default,
    it does not remove directories.
    Open a konsole to the /home/kira/Documents/. So the ls command will tell:
    ls -l
    -rw-r--r-- 1 kira kira 2 2009-11-29 17:15 Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu�iga Falla).xls
    remove with the:
    rm *Falla*.xls
    It should remove all .xls files that have the "Falla" in the name. BE CAREFUL !!
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

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      Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

      I think that the problem is this � character. Try if it is not possible to rename the file to have all characters readable. I had the same issue in Windows. It was necessary first to remove unreadable characters and then remove worked fine.
      Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


        Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

        Originally posted by josefko
        I think that the problem is this � character. Try if it is not possible to rename the file to have all characters readable. I had the same issue in Windows. It was necessary first to remove unreadable characters and then remove worked fine.
        I have had this problem before. The trouble seems to be that the funny character is not within the normal character set of the system. It is impossible to reproduce the character by typing, and maybe the GUI program has trouble interpreting the character correctly. I believe I solved it by using the mv command with wild cards.
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          Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

          Hey guys i tried what u said.....first....replaying to Rog131 this is what happend if i tryed what u said:

          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ ls
          Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu?iga Falla).xls
          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ rm Falla
          rm: cannot remove `Falla': No such file or directory
          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ ls
          Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu?iga Falla).xls
          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ ls -l
          total 28
          -rw-r--r-- 1 kira kira 25088 2009-11-29 11:38 Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu?iga Falla).xls
          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ rm Falla
          rm: cannot remove `Falla': No such file or directory
          kira@Kiraitachi:~/Documents$ rm Elaboracion de un presupuesto (Allan Zu?iga Falla).xls
          bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
          And for the rest of u guys....when i tryed to rename it or change its name it says it doesnt exist the file so i cant rename it any more ideas?


            Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

            I would try this:

            mv -iv "Elaboracion de un presupuesto*.xls delete_me
            • Open a Konsole window (Alt+F2 -> konsole)
            • Use the cd command to navigate to the directory that contains your file
            • Copy and paste the code above into Konsole
            • Copy and paste the results into your reply here
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              Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

              rm Falla
              is not same as the
              rm *Falla*.xls
              The * is a wildcard > LINUX BASICS: Can I Use Wildcards with Linux?
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

                Originally posted by kiraitachi
                And for the rest of u guys....when i tryed to rename it or change its name it says it doesnt exist the file so i cant rename it any more ideas?
                NOT intending to be condescending in any way - really - get a good book on learning the Bash Shell. I recommend "Learning the bash Shell" published by O'Reilly. If you are going to work (at all) from the CLI (console), then this book will do you a lot of good. I use it (among others), and keep it by my PC for ready access.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

                  Advice for learning the shell follows.

                  My own HOWTO find Kubuntu's documentation Especially the section Command line documentation

                  Qqmike's tutorial Commands at Konsole: Beginners

                  $ sudo apt-get install bash-doc
                  $ info bashref
                  $ info coreutils
                  Also don't forget to try info command_name, man command_name, and apropos topic.

                  Command Line Howto in Community Ubuntu Documentation

                  Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition


         Command line reference
                  Welcome newbies!
                  Verify the ISO
                  Kubuntu's documentation


                    Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

                    lol thanks a lot guys the *Falla*.xls worked fine for me but one thing for curiosity what is a wildcardexplain it to me just to know the concept and what i was doing thanks, and i appreciate telling me about learning bash is only that lately with all the tests in college and that **** i almost got no time for anything else XD but thanks :P


                      Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

                      The short explanation is that a wildcard represents anything. The * also represents not only one character, but any number of characters. So *Falla* means Falla with anything in front of it and anything behind it. The old expression "download *.*" means download "everything".


                        Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!

                        Originally posted by kiraitachi
                        lol thanks a lot guys the *Falla*.xls worked fine for me but one thing for curiosity what is a wildcard


                        Welcome newbies!
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                          Re: Cant delete file? file dont exist error!!!(solved)

                          Ok understood it was pretty thanks :P

