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Installed b43-fwcutter. Next step?

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    Installed b43-fwcutter. Next step?

    Hello Everyone...

    I just installed b43-fwcutter so that I could get my wireless internet driver working but after installing it nothing has changed.

    What is the next step? I think I am close but dont know what to do. IS there a command? How do I get wireless internet?

    Re: Installed b43-fwcutter. Next step?

    I've installed the b43-fwcutter from both Synaptic and using apt-get from a Konsole. In all four circumstances, during the install, the broadcom wireless chip firmware was captured and a suitable driver installed. You could watch it happening in the progress box on Synaptic and in the text flow on the Konsole. In two situations, on Acer Aspires, I had to reboot to let the installed drivers load the modules and activate the wireless, which you could see happening when the wireless light came on, indicating it was now active. After that knetwork-manager saw my wireless router and allowed a connection. As soon as that happened I installed wicd, which replaced knetwork-manager. I re-established my wireless connection by running wicd from the Internet submenu. The first time you run it you can configure your wireless and make a connection but no icon appears in the system tray. The next time I booted the wicd icon appeared in the tray.

    So, what I'd recommend is running Synaptic (if you don't have it installed then use "sudo apt-get install synaptic" to install it), and using the "completely remove" option to uninstall b43-fwcutter, thus making sure any config files are removed also. Then I'd reinstall it. During the install click the details options so you can see that it pulls your firmware out and installs it. If it doesn't seem to work take careful notes about what you do see.

    If you are using apt-get to install b43-fwcutter, which works very well for me too but it doesn't work for you, capture the konsole lines and paste them in your rply.

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