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Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

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    Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

    Just tried Kubuntu 9.10 run from CD and was inpressed so I loaded it to dual boot with XP. So dar so good. on booting I eventually get a "Welcome to Kubuntu" screen with blank spaces for username and password, I am a bit confused as I have not been asked to select a username and password during installation and nothing which I enter into these fields lets me go any further. I have tried using every conceivable permutation of the usernames and passwords which I use as well as "admin" and "kubuntu".
    How can I progress from there? If I can't get further than stage one I wonder if it's worth the effort to go much further unless there is a sim[ple answer to the problem.

    Re: Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??


    The installer always asks for a username and password, I am not sure what happened. The default username in the livecd is ubuntu, and the password empty, can you please try that and let us know?

    Good luck!


      Re: Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

      You must have missed that part of the install. It is an absolutely essential part of every Linux installation and always has been. Your situation is strange. Perhaps you left the CD in the tray? (I've done it!)


        Re: Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

        Reboot the LiveCD you installed from.

        At its menu chose the option (2nd IIRC) which checked the LiveCD itself for errors. IF it comes back (will take about 250-300 seconds) saying the LiveCD is OK then reinstall into the same partition, but this time besure you don't bypass the user name and password section.

        IF the LiveCD check fails then do an md5sum check on the ISO you used to burn it. IF the ISO passes then make a new LiveCD but burn it at 8X or less, IOW, the slower the better. If the ISO fails the md5sum check (the md5 value is on the website from which you downloaded the ISO -- make sure you get the sum that matches your ISO) then do a fresh download of the ISO and burn it as mentioned above.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

          I just entered my name and a password during the set up process when I first installed Kubuntu 9.10 - but I also selected "automatically log-in" as I'm the only one who uses my laptop.

          I've had it appear when I'm trying to access network directories on my home network, which is a bit baffling because I have them all configured for shared access and didn't set up a username/password for home network browsing...but otherwise no complaints.


            Re: Kubuntu welcome screen - Am I really this stupid??

            I have not been asked to select a username and password during installation
            I just entered my name and a password during the set up process

