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Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

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    Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

    Hi, I am trying to find a software (preferably free because I am extremely low on cash) that will do :
    - full PC backup to DVD no matter how many HD, no matter what kind of O/S, no matter what kind of partitions (ntfs, fat32, ext2, ext3, ext4, ...)
    - do it all in one shot (setup, start and only swap DVDs, that's all)
    - backup only used sectors
    - use compression
    - boot with DVDs to do either a full or partial restore (all or single partition)
    - ideally have the software on a bootable CD

    I have seen Clonezilla, partimage, true image trial, remastersys and something else (fsfiller or something). None of those do what I want or don't support ext4.

    Is there such a software available to do all this ?
    AMD Athlon XP 3000+, 2 hd (80Gb+250Gb)<br />Win XP, Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu server 9.04, Xubuntu 8.10, USB keyed persistent Kubuntu 8.10

    Re: Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

    Hopefully these 2 links will help.


      Re: Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

      I would get an external hard drive big enough to hold everything, and use the dd command from a live CD.


        Re: Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

        My suggestion too, Detonate.

        It creates an exact bit image of every bit on the HD, which includes pipes, links sockets, etc... All the stuff than many backup paradigms seem to mess up. And, the price is right!
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one shot ?

          The problem with dd is that restoring the image requires a hard disk with exactly the same geometry as the original. This may not work out well if your original HD dies and you are forced to restore to a new HD.
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            Re: Software to backup full PC (multi-O/S, Multi-HD, Multi-partitions) in one sh

            Here's my how-to on dd, fwiw:
            -- dd Command
            Reply #1 shows examples.
            Reply#2: Making a backup of your Kubuntu OS

            If you are doing a dd from one disk to another identical disk, easy sailing. But if the target disk is larger, well, you goota read the fine print. And for that, I defer to AwesomeMachine's now standard dd how-to (it's a key reference in my how-to):
            Learn The DD Command Revised

            I defer to him because I don't want the responsibility of folks using dd for serious work
            He addresses the issue of dd-ing to a larger/smaller target.
            You might google "dd command" and see how other people have used it.
            I use it all the time for small jobs, like those I explained in reply #1 of my how-to.
            It does, as the guys have indicated, copy everything. That means the MBR, the filesystem, every detail of the source file is copied bit-by-bit. That's why cloning a flash drive is a breeze: simply dd the source right onto a blank target flash drive (same size) and the target gets all characteristics of the source (MBR, bootloader, filesystem, the whole sha-bang).

            Also, look into dcfldd (it's in my how-to; you can get it from repo).
            A little slicker, nicer, progress reporting, maybe faster.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

