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Repository installations question

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    Repository installations question

    I was downloading some packages and installing them from the software manager after adding a bunch of repositories. well i picked quite a few to install however i didn't realize how long it would take to download them so i canceled them in the middle of the download. Then i went to install them individually however now it seems Linux thinks they are downloaded because they installed individually quite rapidly, without downloading them.... almost too fast.... is this normal? or am i just projecting windows fears onto Linux erroneously?

    Re: Repository installations question

    The short answer is: save all your personal "stuff" (if you've had time to create any on the machine in question) and reinstall. Your machine is probably in an indeterminate state, with a slew of "broken" packages. There are ways of fixing this condition, (and I'm sure you can find them on this site) but, on a new installation, the easiest way is just to reinstall.

    Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, (10 years ago, or so), it was taken for granted that a newbie would have to reinstall at least three times and sometimes more to get a properly working system. A lot of thought has been put into making Linux more user friendly since then, and this is less true today than it was, but ...

