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Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

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    Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

    HI i just installed the new armyops on my kubuntu 9.10 karmic koala... and i was crazy cause i wanted it so much...but now it seems that when i run it it just will blink the icon jumping to start it , in the taskmanager appear armyops but wont start....and after a time just dissapear and do nothing...

    So can i fix this and if not how the hell can i uninstall it....(the file installed was a .run file)

    Sources from where i got it...:

    Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

    by the way i found this in the directory where is installed
    If you have a previous version installed, you need to
    uninstall it before installing this version. There is
    a script in the game's directory called "uninstall"
    for this purpose. Alternately, you can delete the
    game's directory and (as the user who installed the
    game) ~/.loki/installed/armyops.xml ...

    I already tried with the uninstall script and i swear by god wont work il have to use the alternative delete but what is this? ''~/.loki/installed/armyops.xml'' how can i get there?? im going nuts


      Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

      Run Dolphin.
      In the folder panel right click on your home directory folder and in the popup dialog check "show hidden files".
      This will allow you to see hidden (name begins with a period) files and folders. Click on the ~/.loki folder. The ("~/" is short hand notation for "/home/youracctname/.loki". In the popup dialog choose either "delete" (if you've activated that menu option in the Dolphin settings) or "Move to trash", then empty the Trash.

      AmericanArmy's last Linux version was 2.50, then Linux support was dropped for several reasons, the primary one being that AA was/is a recruiting tool and, at the time, most users were running Windows. Since the 2.5 version data formats have changed and now the AA3 engine won't read the 2.5 maps, etc..., so the Linux version is, for all practical purposes, useless for the newer maps and technologies, which were not backported to 2.5.

      I used to play AA a lot and it is very realistic 3D roll playing game. Much better, faster and smoother than SecondLife, IMO, even though SL is more recent. I've often wondered if others used AA to train their soldiers. I suspect that they do, at least in the use of American equipment and tactics.

      IF you do want to play AA the only practical way is to use a Windows box, because a Windows guest OS, I suspect, won't work.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

        ok it seems there is no file like that created wich is weird but i dont care so whatever ill just delete what i found thanks anyway


          Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

          Dammit....ok i deleted the files from usr/local/games/armyops and the file made also in usr/local/bin/armyops....

          I couldnt find the loki file cause it wasn't created seems so...or at least i hope....

          And now the problem is that in K then applications appears a new section called Lost and Found where it seems to appear armyops!!!! how the hell can i take that out? it always had been there since the installation of the game....and now i kinda figured out why didnt work the game...maybe cause thats the folder where corrupted files are placed and that means the game installation was corrupted since the beggining....but going back to the track what i need most now is how to take off that section and put back everything to normal...thanks later on i might think on installing the game again...


            Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

            Rt Click K
            Select Menu Editor
            Delete whatever shouldnt be there


              Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

              cool nice thanks dude for da tip didnt now about it ill try it at home....

              But...either way just curious....if that entry exist its cause there is a file or something that still exists about armyops am i right? so where can i find it?? lol althoug the tip will help me a lot thanks!!!! 8)


                Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?

                yeah it worked thanks a lot dude


                  Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

                  A nice way to locate files on Linux is to use "locate". "locate"'s database is automatically updated on a regular basis by a cron file but you make made recent changes you can update "locate"'s database by doing in konsole:

                  sudo updatedb

                  Then, in that konsole, enter

                  locate <a name or piece of a name> | less

                  For example:

                  locate .loki | less

                  will show every file or directory that starts with or contains ".loki".

                  The second part of the command "pipes" the output of locate into a pager utility called "less". In the konsole it will allow you to use the PgUp, PgDwn, Home, Edit, UpArrow and DownArrow keys to navigate back and forth in the list. Locate is a LOT faster than using the search function in Dolphin or Konqueror. (Or at least it was... I use locate so much I haven't kept up with any improvements in Konqueror or Dolphin in that regard.)

                  You can learn about locate by opening a Konsole and issuing

                  man locate

                  locate reads one or more databases prepared by updatedb(8) and writes file names matching at least one of the PATTERNs to standard output, one per line.

                  If --regex is not specified, PATTERNs can contain globbing characters. If any PATTERN contains no globbing characters, locate behaves as if the pattern
                  were *PATTERN*.

                  By default, locate does not check whether files found in database still exist. locate can never report files created after the most recent update of
                  the relevant database.
                  Notice that if you delete a file and then use locate to see if it is gone that file will STILL be listed. That's because deleting the file doesn't update the "updatedb" database. So, rather than waiting for the cron command to execute updatedb, you can "sudo updatedb" and then redo the locate command to check.

                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

                    When I was a young engineer with very little Unix experience I had the privilege to work with some Unix gurus who taught me early how to use the find command. All these years later and I still use find more than any other command. It can be slow because it doesn't index and use a database like locate but it's far more powerful than locate. Here is how to delete a directory named .loki located anywhere under your home directory. Don't test it, it's easy to make a typo, but I think I got it right.

                    find ~ -type d -name '^\.loki$' -exec rm -fr {} \;
                    linux &amp;&amp; bash = &quot;the future&quot;


                      Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

                      You're right, Chuck, "find" is more powerful.

                      But, like you said, it is a LOT slower than locate. I can do "sudo updatedb" and have it complete and then do my locate search and be browsing the results before "find" finishes its search.

                      Also, while I don't use bash scripting that much, it appears to me that the last half of your command "-exec rm -fr {} \" is a recipe for erasing the entire HD! and if the first part of the command isn't correct and piped properly to the second half .....
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: Army ops on kubuntu 250 wont run?(solved)

                        I did warn him not to run it. :P

                        It won't delete his whole hard due to the regular expression in the find command. You are correct, running exec with rm -fr is not a good idea (old habits die hard GG) but our young friend wants to experiment so I showed him a little power under the hood.

                        Find is slow but that's to be expected for non-indexed searches. Often times I start it in a console and let it run. I only use it when I'm looking for files that aren't indexed by locate. I have related problems with OS X and Spotlight, its meta-data/search engine. It's pretty cool and fast but it never finds the files I'm looking for most times and I'm forced back to command-line find searches.
                        linux &amp;&amp; bash = &quot;the future&quot;

