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Hello forum, here I am with my first problem :)

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    Hello forum, here I am with my first problem :)

    Hi, I,m new in Kubuntu, actually just installed some minutes ago and made my first fatal mistake. I have been using PCLinuxOs since 2004 and I,m pretty used to that distro and KDE. My mistake was that I misspelled my home user when setting up Kubuntu. First I thought that I had lost everything, but it seems that I just have no access to my files. Both group and user access is set to 501. Can anyone helpme to gain access to my files again, either a way to access the files to copy to my Kubuntu user or a way to change my userfolder in Kubuntu to the old one.

    Thanx in advance.Spinozaii aka Thomas

    Re: Hello forum, here I am with my first problem

    Hi! Welcome to the forums!!

    First off, when you installed Kubuntu, did you repartition your hard drive or did you keep your home partition intact? If you kept your /home partition, your files should still be there. If you repartitioned the entire drive, you might not be in luck.


      Re: Hello forum, here I am with my first problem

      Thank you for the welcome!!

      No, I did not format the partition, only the partition where I installed root. I can see my old user folder in /home/olduser - but Kubuntu does not allow me to access the folder. If I try to change my user folder to the old one I get no access either. I really want to get that access before installing more programs, and I hope to get acces to some settings - ex. when installing Thunderbird for mail and so. So optimal is if I can change my homefolder to the old one and gain access to all files in that way...


        Re: Hello forum, here I am with my first problem

        Just a thought.... Since you are pretty much at a base install without any programs and your /home partition is intact, what is your thought on reinstalling with the correct username? It would be work, but then you'd have your folder the way you want it.

        Thinking out loud... did you try and create the proper username in the new system?
        KDE > System Settings > Account Tab > User Management
        I don't THINK that this will get rid of your information. But I'd wait for more responses before I try this one. There may be a more seasoned Kubuntu vet in here with another or better idea.


          Re: Hello forum, here I am with my first problem

          open a terminal and do

          kdesudo dolphin
          this should open dolphin as root and let you do watever you want.

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: Hello forum, here I am with my first problem

            TheBigAmbulance > I did your second suggestion first, and you were right, no success, so now I,m on a fresh and new install and with the correct username. Works like a charme, and as I supposed Firefox for an instance is installed with all my plugins and bookmarks intact. Thats great and now I really look forward to explore Kubuntu!!

            vinnywright > Thank you for your post, but as you can read I have reinstalled Kubuntu. If I get in any other file property problems on my other partitions I will save your advise.

            For now Kubuntu looks really great, just have to do some work on the settings, look and feel and a lot of installations. Thanx guys!

