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Trouble connecting to Wifi connection

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    Trouble connecting to Wifi connection

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to Linux, meaning I have no idea how it works. I'm very excited to fully have my system up and running. I just recently installed Kubuntu 7.04 on my old Dell Dimension 2400 which has 728MB of RAM and Pentium 4 PRocessor. The install went smoothly which was good. However when I connect my Netgear wireless adapter to connect to the internet, I have some problems. Kubuntu detects the device which is good because it is able to detect all of the avaliable networks. When I select my network, it asks for the WEP in which I type is in, it verifys the device then moves to 57% trying to awuire the IP adress. I'm not sure what the problem is because my HP Mini 1000 netbook running Windows XP connects the the network easily. Anyone who has any idea what might the problems be please help me! Thanks.

    Re: Trouble connecting to Wifi connection


    did you remember to...

    1. Set up your router/ap to serve DHCP (dynamic IP addresses)

    2. Add the MAC Address of the wireless card to the list of allowed network connections, on the router/ap?

    3. try the new Kubuntu Karmic 9.10 Old distributions only brings back old bugs.


      Re: Trouble connecting to Wifi connection

      I just downloaded and installed the newest Kubuntu however I'm still experiencing the same problem. It just cannot aquire the IP adress. I don't understand because other computers in the same are hve no problem connecting.


        Re: Trouble connecting to Wifi connection

        try installing the wicd network manager (seams to work better for encrypted networks)
        [code =run in konsole]sudo atapt-get update && sudo apt-get install wicd
        once its all set up you can hit alt+f2(krunner) and run wicd-client . look on your sys tray for the icon to set up your connecton.

        also check to make sure that you computer is on the allowed MAC list (if you have mac filtering enabled)
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