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Java Runtime issues[KINDA SOLVED]

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    Java Runtime issues[KINDA SOLVED]

    Just moved from Linux Mint to Kubuntu. Loving it. However i have some major java issues:

    Using apt-get install i installed "sun-java6-jdk"

    Then i found out how to get synaptic package manager here, so then i got that (apt-get install synaptic) then i installed all my major applications (firefox, vlc, wine etc...).
    Now after downloading JDownloader, i cannot open the .jar file. Basically in linux mint there is supposed to be an option called "Run with sun java 6 runtime". This option is not here. I tried going to "usr/lib/jvm/java 6/bin/java" however there is a 2 second tab (open of java on the start menu), and then it just shutdown. Clueless as to why this happens.

    I have searched previous posts based on Jdownloader, no help.

    I have installed all major java packages that we get via synaptic package manager.

    I have also tried running it through terminal ie:
    -navigate to the file
    -then type java -jar JDownloader.jar

    However the above command gives an error:
    JDownloader.jar requires java 1.5 or higer...

    I know i have installed all the packages i know and it doesn't make sense why this will not work please help.

    Re: Java Runtime issues

    I'm using the kubuntu-restricted-extras /2/ metapackage /1/ to install the java.

    Here, it is installing the Sun Java /3/. Now the:
    java -version
    is telling (with the Kubuntu 9.10):
    java version "1.6.0_15"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
    The JDownloader /4/, /5/ seems to start fine...

    Finding information > Topic: HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help

    /1/ > Metapackages
    One of the handy features of apt (the packaging system used by Ubuntu) is the use of metapackages. These packages do not contain actual software, they simply depend on other packages to be installed. This setup allows entire sets of software to be installed by selecting only the appropriate metapackage...
    /2/ kubuntu-restricted-extras
    This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu
    multiverse repository.

    Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding,
    Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create
    compressed audio files).
    /3/ > Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

    /4/ > JDownloader wiki

    /5/ > JDownloader Home
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Java Runtime issues

      Thanks Rog131, I tried "java -version" in terminal and got the following:

      java version 1.5.0

      and some copy right stuff.

      This confirms that i do infact have the right Java version, but it doesn't make sense ,. OK, how do i actually open it. Maybe im doing some basic mistake.

      I right click Jdownloader.jar and then go to open with, then i go to "usr/lib/jvm/sun java 6/bin/java" then hit open....

      Is there any other way to do this, something easier.


        Re: Java Runtime issues

        Originally posted by Lesley
        Thanks Rog131, I tried "java -version" in terminal and got the following:

        java version 1.5.0

        and some copy right stuff.

        This confirms that i do infact have the right Java version, but it doesn't make sense ,. OK, how do i actually open it. Maybe im doing some basic mistake.

        I right click Jdownloader.jar and then go to open with, then i go to "usr/lib/jvm/sun java 6/bin/java" then hit open....

        Is there any other way to do this, something easier.
        Under Menu/Applications/Settings find Sun Java 6 Plugin Control panel, I got it after using synaptics and Kubuntu-restricted update.
        Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


          Re: Java Runtime issues

          Under Menu/Applications/Settings find Sun Java 6 Plugin Control panel, I got it after using synaptics and Kubuntu-restricted update.
          Tried that, only the control panel, appears, but nothing happens.


          It was a long shot but worth the effort. I downloaded and installed Java 6 for Wine, and then tried to run Jdownloader.exe through wine and it works like a charm, thanks a lot people, learnt a lot from this endeavor.


