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Anyone using the repositories at

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    Anyone using the repositories at

    I used to browse there quite a bit. Within the couple of weeks, they now want you to install a getdeb package in order to download software.

    Am I being paranoid in not letting a third party app get involved in installing software?

    How does one install the Acetoneiso package when all sites get you back to

    Re: Anyone using the repositories at

    When i want to install an application:

    1) Is it in the official repositories for my distribution (Karmic, Jaunty, ...) ? > FAQ: Repositories

    If not

    2) Is it in the older or in the development distribution ? > Ubuntu Packages Search

    If not

    3) Is there request for the packaging ? (> [needs-packaging] AcetoneISO )

    3a) Is it in the PPA ? > Using the PPA repositories (Re: FAQ: Repositories)
    > Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu >> Show PPAs matching: acetoneiso /1/

    3b) Is it in the Debian packages > Debian Packages

    3c) Does the application have a home page ? Sources ?

    /1/ The PPA package search may or may not find the available packages
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Anyone using the repositories at

      Originally posted by TheBigAmbulance
      I used to browse there quite a bit. Within the couple of weeks, they now want you to install a getdeb package in order to download software.

      Am I being paranoid in not letting a third party app get involved in installing software?

      How does one install the Acetoneiso package when all sites get you back to
      I could be wrong, but installing the getdeb package just auto-adds the getdeb repositories to your sources.list. It also auto-adds the GPG key. The website has instructions on doing this maunually if you did not want to install the deb file. I've used and appnr for many packages that tend to be much more recent than the official repositories.

      FWI - once the getdeb repositories are run you can just use KPackageKit or Synaptic to install as you would any other program.
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