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Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi

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    Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi

    Hello there, recently I've been using this great OS and while trying new stuff I decided to install some games!!
    I installed some from reps like SuperTuxKart and TuxRacer, but also wanted to try one that came to my attention, Yo Frankie. Well to make long story short every time I play this type of games (3d ones that may be played with a joystick), I get a glitch kind of thing on screen and lose control while playing.
    e.g. In supertuxkart sometimes it drives to the left or right all by itself.
    Because of this I'm unable to play this kind of games, after googling I found out that since I have an HP laptop, it has 3d Driveguard, which has an Accelerometer for HD protection which is fine, but the annoying part is that kubuntu has configured it as my joystick, any ideas how to revert this? Games go like crazy if I'm not a flat surface, and sometimes to have my LAPtop on my LAP jejeje which makes it difficult to attain balance.

    I greatly appreciate any upcoming help, I'm very patientand eager to learn but am still a noob, oh and since I'm not a nativ English speaker sorry for any mistakes.

    Well my second problem is that I want to use the Ares network without installing wine, because I searched and mostly I find it has trouble connecting. I've found a solution using a daemon called gift with which I can connect to Ares network using a plugin. I managed to make this work after doing a lot of work, but I finally did. Well the next step was to install apollon, but couldn't find a package for (k)ubuntu, so I downloaded tar file from its website, decompressed it and in terminal proceeded to do ./configure
    but I get this error:

    checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths
    googled it and no success in finding anything very helpful, well all I found is that I should download some dev packages, but since I have no idea what I'm or might be doing to the system I decided to make a halt and ask for help before ruining it. Well I really want to use the ares network I miss it sou much and even when I have XP dual boot, it's pain the ass to switch to windows everytime I want to download.
    Any ideas welcome but I wanted to ask if giftoxic will work as well.

    I need to get back studying, kubuntu is like a new toy for me and sometimes I get lost and spend to much time :P

    Edit: This is where I got the info, sorry it's in Spanish but meanwhile I try to translate it please look at the code they use.

    Oh and when doing "apt-get install apollon" it says it doesn't finds it.

    Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi

    Hello!!! It's been awhile since the last post, any ideas please?


      Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi

      Well it seems this problem is not easy to fix up, but well.
      Anyways for the moment could somebody help me why my Internet is slow most of the times (I have 2 MB bandwidth), well comparing it to when I use my windows is much slower, I have a Broadcom Wireless Device and I have a Linksys WRT54G router, any ideas on how to improve this? And I'm talking about speed in general it doesn't matter if I'm downloading packages or anything while browsing, also if I listen to Internet radios they hang at buffering and I get no more sound anymore.


        Re: Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi


        I saw your PM

        This is 3 different issues, it is easier to get help if you post one thread for each. Anyways, here we go:

        1. Apollon is dead:

        2. For the net problem: I would try disabling ipv6 (it can be a nissue with some ISP's/modems/routers)

        3. Can you disable the Driveguard from the BIOS? Or from System Settings / Keyboard and Mouse?



          Re: Issues with HP 3D Driveguard Accelerometer, and Installation of Apollon on Karmi

          Well so I must be forgetting about apollon already, any suggestions for any gui that will let me use my giFT configured with Ares plugin? Will giftoxic work on kubuntu?

          Now for the driveguard thing I don't think I can disable it from BIOS, but anyways, I'm not appealed by the idea because it saved my HD from an accidental drop(it wasn't a big one, but the the laptop was on so I think it really helped), if possible what I want to do is to make kubuntu NOT to recognize it as a joystick, in system preferences -> mouse and keyboard -> joystick there is no option as to disable it, just a calibrate button

          And the last one, well I have been testing it and now it seems a little bit random, but it rarely achieves more than 110 kb/s and the max i achieve in windows is a little bit more than 200. Maybe as you said it may be my modem and/or wireless router. My cable modem is an Arris Touchstone CM450A by the way. When I get the chance I'll try to upgrade the router, and for my modem I doubt there is an update on the firmware.

          Thanks again lmilano, I'll be posting again like in a week after my exams. And this time separately; and in the meanwhile anyone who has an idea please post it, the more the better, and the more I learn to!!

