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Solved Packagemanager Question

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    Solved Packagemanager Question

    Can someone please tell me if the packagemanager for Kububtu 9.04 only shows updates for my version, or does it include updates for 9.10?

    Re: Packagemanager Question

    Hello Zabadeous,

    you can find instructions on
    Search for the word "update", click the first link and you are right where you want to be!

    Oh, and don't forget to back-up any essential files before you upgrade. As a rule upgrading works fine, but if it doesn't you will definitely have a good feeling about the back-up!
    Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


      Re: Packagemanager Question

      Thanks Johan. However, I am not trying to upgrade to 9.10. I want to know if packagemanager is smart enough to only show updates for my currently installed version.


        Re: Packagemanager Question

        Yes it will continue to supply you updates for 9.04. It will also continue to notify you about a possible upgrade to 9.10, but you can just ignore that if you want.
        Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!

