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Partition Manager

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    Partition Manager

    Hello all!  So I just picked Kubuntu up at version 5.10, though I'm not totally green to the Linux world.  Anyhow, I want to setup a media partition on my hard drive so I can format my main partition when I update to 6.6 and not loose my mp3s I've transferred to this machine.  I've looked through Adept but I don't see any PQMagic Clones...  Any suggestions?

    Re: Partition Manager

    The only way I know of is to fire up a live cd and run either parted/qtparted/gparted or cfdisk to partition the disk and then move the mp3s to the new partition. Though I make it sound easier than actually is. My best advice to give you is to read CAREFULLY and make sure your root (/) partition hasn't changed (as in, it's still the same number, just contracted to make the /mp3 partition). A CD I'd recommend (since your going to be upgrading anyways) is the Kubuntu Desktop CD (good for a grub restore). But for a smaller download, try the gparted live CD.
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

