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where are backgrounds saved?

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    where are backgrounds saved?

    I had a background i really loved on Kubuntu, and I can't find it for Ubuntu, which I'm running. When I download a new background image, where does it save to? I'd really like to find it so I can use it. I installed the KDE desktop environment too, but when i try to boot in it i get some kind of error (all that comes up is a terminal screen) but when i boot in gnome desktop environment it launches perfectly.

    i may have done a very poor job at explaining this, but i'm very new to this. any help is appreciated, thanks

    Re: where are backgrounds saved?

    Backgrounds that you download while running kde are usually saved to ~/.kde/share/wallpapers
    If you know the name of the wallpaper file, you should be able to find it with:
    locate filename
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