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Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

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    Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

    Clicking on Reboot Shutdown or Logout in the KDE menu simply brings up no options or do anything at all.
    Only option is to reboot from console.
    After every reboot window effects do not work. It have to be manually activated by putting-off and -on tick in window effects option, and then press save.

    Also after codecs and mplayer installation, the system sound has disappeared.
    Before installation system sounds was ok, but there was no sound in video players. Now it is contrary.

    Appreciate any help! Thanks!

    Re: Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

    Werepacman Some of these problems i had also. My first try was to upgrade 9.04 to 9.10. I was a total flop. I went from a stable system to a mess. Sound quit working, broken dependecies and video players not working. Fixed the dependencies using aptitude in konsole but was unable to fix sound.

    Did a clean install and that seems to have fixed most problems.
    1. If you upgraded, try a clean install after backing up your home folder.
    2. you can add the widget Lancelot to the panel and see if that functions correctly and then delete the menu and replace that if you don't like lancelot.
    3. Make sure you install the correct video driver using the menu-system-hardware drivers.
    4. Always check your live cd for errors using check sum.

    post your hardware if you need more help.


      Re: Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

      Good points (must say my upgrade to Karmic was perfect though).

      What distribution are you running, werepacman?


        Re: Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

        I run Kubuntu karmic.
        After pressing switch user i have black screen, and ctr+alt+backspace, ctr+alt+F2 has no effect.
        All new created users can Reboot,Shutdown,Logout, but can`t switch user.
        So I think i should try to create new user and copy some home files from previous user.
        Thanks for a help.


          Re: Cannot Reboot,Shutdown,Logoff from inside KDE

          It is a lot easier to move you .kde. From a "konsole", you can type

          mv .kde .kde.backup
          sudo service kdm restart
          (the last line is to restart the xserver suddenly so KDE doesn't generate a new .kde with your existing settings, ctrl-alt-bkspc may do the same)

          Then you log in and it is as if you were "a new user", but all your data is there.

