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9.04 - 9.10 Problems

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    9.04 - 9.10 Problems

    Okay, So i recently upgraded from Jaunty - Karmic, and now My sound doesn't work, and my flash doesn't work either. The Sound works when I go Settings -> Multimedia -> Test, but any other time of test doesn't work. KMix has everything up, yet there's still no sound. Also, when I load any sort of Flash Object, the "functions" don't work. Like it doesn't handle mouse clicks or keyboard input or anything.

    Re: 9.04 - 9.10 Problems

    Go into Kmix and activate the master front for display. Then pull it up and or unmute it. If the test works the drivers should be ok.

    U will have to install kubuntu Restricted Extras for flash to work. if it's on the system remove it and install again.

    if the sound still does not work upon reboot. Report back here and we'll try some copy pasting into the terminal :P ^^ gl


      Re: 9.04 - 9.10 Problems

      Still didn't work. =\


        Re: 9.04 - 9.10 Problems

        this worked 4 me....go to the sound icon on the systray menu or just go to kwin....then choose show mixer window and then in choose channels mark speakers that should make it work

        By the way if it doesnt work check this thread might help u, is the thread that i posted and another guy that we had the same prob after updating to 9.10


          Re: 9.04 - 9.10 Problems

          Ok i fixed it after looking at the thread you suggested. I went to alsamixer and Side was muted there, but no where else. Strange, but I unmuted it and now it works. Now is there a way to get flash working?

